
Stay up to date with the latest news on ambitions and actions related to zero emission transport!

Opportunities and Challenges of Electrifying the Minibus Sector in Africa

The electrification of smaller capacity vehicles, such as 2- and 3-wheelers, as well as full-size buses, has gained much momentum around the globe and is increasingly doing so in Africa. However, the same cannot...

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International Tender on Three E-Buses for Costa Rica

GIZ will purchase three battery electric buses and the charging infrastructure for a pilot project in...
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Shaping Thailand’s Clean Mobility Programme

In Bangkok, transport contributes more than 50% to PM2.5 emissions and is one of the main...
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Pathway Towards Low-Carbon Transport in Vietnam

Rapid growth in transport activities since the late 1990s is endangering the achievement of climate targets...
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Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning in Metropolitan Regions

The SUMP topic guides were created to supplement the guidelines. They were also updated with the...
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SUMP Guidelines 2.0

This is Europe’s major strategic planning instrument for authorities to develop and implement a long-term sustainable...
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Webinar: Transport NDC – Building Efficiency and Competitive Transport

On August 28th, the GIZ Office in Peru will hold the Webinar: Transport NDC – Building...
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Improving Air Quality for Peruvian Cities and Citizens

Breathing clean air and having a clinical history free of respiratory diseases are luxuries that millions...
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Activating Long-Term Dialogue and Cooperation

How to further activate long-term dialogue and cooperation between beneficiary cities and countries was a focus...
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Cycling for a Low Carbon Development

Its a fact that the bicycle helps to enforce a more equal social development and that...
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Climate Finance is Key to Accelerate Action

Timely finance for the implementation of climate actions is both the key and the challenge to...
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“At its Essence, the MobiliseYourCity Partnership Connects!”

Since April 2019 Sasank Vemuri has followed Markus Delfs in the position of Secretariat Coordinator for...
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How to Stimulate a Global Decarbonisation of Mobility

The Vice Minister of Energy of Costa Rica Rolando Castro Córdoba presented the approach to decarbonising...
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Building Stronger Partnerships for Successful E-Buses

In urban areas worldwide, the concerns over air quality, noise and greenhouse gas emissions are growing....
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Change Has Come for the Philippine Jeepneys

In the Philippines, Jeepneys (approximately 200,000 nationwide) are the most dominant form of public transport, accounting...
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Where Convenience of People Matters Most

Walking is the most common form of mobility and is generally how all trips start and...
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Data Is Key to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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Costa Rica Goes Carbon Neutral by 2050

On February 24th 2019, Costa Rica presented its ambitious plan to decarbonise its economy until 2050....
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Guadalajara and the European Union Cooperate on Sustainable Mobility

Two projects of the Urban Mobility Component of EUROCLIMA+ are currently being implemented in the Metropolitan...
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Peru is Systematically Operationalising its NDC

The Peruvian Government has been taking big steps towards the systematic operationalization of its Nationally Determined...
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Interview with Martin Delgra, Chairman LTFRB, Philippines

In this interview Martin B. Delgra III, Chairman of The Philippines’ Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory...
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Towards Decarbonising Transport 2018 – A Stocktake on Sectoral Ambition in the G20

The webinar presents main conclusions of the joint report “Towards Decarbonising Transport 2018 – A Stocktake...
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Creation of a Single Transport Authority for the Metropolitan Area of Lima and Callao

With the aim of reordering and integrating the urban public transport system of Lima and Callao,...
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Two Years and Counting: Bringing the Vision of Transport and Climate Change to Life in Kenya

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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Raising Awareness on Mobility Obstacles: Photo Competition in the Philippines

The topic of mobility is ubiquitous in the Philippines, whether it is because of the heavy...
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From Global Ambition to National Action: Thailand Launches NDC Action Plan for Transport

While the international community discusses national contributions to stop climate change (so called “NDC”) in Katowice...
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How the Philippines Are Modernising their Bus Services

Public transport in the Philippines is dominated by informal, poorly maintained buses and jeepneys (which started...
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Best Practices for Urban Mobility Planning

Many cities face major challenges due to the negative impact of increasing motorisation and fast urban...
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Press Release: Transport and Climate Change Global Status Report

Tracking Transport Emissions Trends, Raising Transport Policy Ambition* On 8 December, the SLoCaT Partnership released the...
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New and Improved Data on Road Transport in Kenya

Kenya is one of the first countries in the entire region of East and Central Africa...
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“Every individual has a role to play”

During the Transport and Climate Change Week we seek to integrate several interests, personal backgrounds and...
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The earth’s average yearly surface temperature is currently one degree above pre-industrialization levels. According to the...
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Why Aspire to Buy More Cars?

When I meet with friends to “catch up” or interact with colleagues the topic of using...
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Photography Contest Winner Announced!

With the objective of capturing public perception of the state of mobility in Kenya, the Advancing...
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Strengthening Commitments and Synergising Actions Across Indonesian Ministries

The NAMA Support Project SUTRI NAMA and its component INDOBUS held its first Steering Committee Meeting...
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Transport and Climate Change Week: Presentations

Here you can find the list of the presentations used during the Transport and Climate Change Week,...
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We Don’t Need a Revolution – We Need Collaboration!

200 transport experts from 20 countries, highlighted the importance and need to change transport to limit global warming....
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Photo Contest: Sustainable Transportation in Kenya

+++ Submissions open on Monday 23th July 2018 and close on 20th August 2018, 11:59 pm +++ Given the...
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A New Initiative to Electrify Public Transport Launched in Costa Rica

“For Costa Rica it is fundamental to generate a transformational change in transportation, to not only...
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Costa Rica Released a Regulation to Incentivise Electric Mobility

At the beginning of the year, the government of Costa Rica released a law to promote...
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Mitigating emissions from the transport sector in Costa Rica
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Connecting Transport Colleagues from around the Globe

The second Changing Transport Week is coming up 24 – 28 September 2018! The one-week conference in Berlin fosters...
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Active Transport and Travel Demand Management

Between 2014 and 2016 TRANSfer supported the Colombian Government in the design of a NAMA on...
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EUROCLIMA+ Urban Mobility Reveals 19 New Projects in Latin America

The reduction of GHG emissions in the transport sector is central for achieving the Paris Agreement’s...
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Modernising Public Transport in the Philippines

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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A Glimpse into Germany’s Transport Sector

 He who plants roads will harvest traffic. Thilo Becker – at his introductory talk on transport...
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Promoting environmentally sustainable and climate-resilient development in 18 Latin American countries
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SUTRI NAMA and INDOBUS Projects Kick-off in Indonesia

The implementation agreement for the SUTRI NAMA and INDOBUS has been signed by the General Secretary...
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Public Transport Modernization Expo in the Philippines

a transformational large-scale initiative and flagship project of President Duterte’s administration,...
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Changing Transport in Thailand

When arriving in Thailand it is next to impossible to avoid the topics of transport and...
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Further Projects

More transport & climate change projects
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Webinar: Transport in NDCs

On Monday, 29th January 2018, the 1.5h webinar Transport in NDCs – lessons learnt and how...
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Cities and Climate Change (CiClim)

Integrating climate-friendly urban and mobility planning  
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MobiliseYourCity Partnership

Accelerating the transition of sustainable urban mobility
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New Technical Brief Outlines Mitigation Requirements of Transport Sector

The Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT), the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear...
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COP23 Side Event “From Ambition to Action”

How can we implement more ambitions climate actions in the transport sector? What are feasible pathways...
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COP23 Event Review – Low Carbon Transport: G20 on Track?

On November 8th in the German Pavilion within the Bonn Zone and framework of the COP...
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Facilitating the Development of Ambitious Transport Mitigation Actions (TRANSfer)

Developing mitigation actions and facilitating access to climate finance.    
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TraCS to Support Revision of Transport Section in Kenya’s National Climate Change Action Plan

“Climate change was not a priority before TraCS…” said the head of the Roads Services Unit...
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Advancing Transport Climate Strategies (TraCS)

Supporting climate strategies in transport and identifying appropriate action plans.
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UNFCCC and GIZ present: Webinar Series on Methodologies for Baselines and Monitoring in the Transport Sector

The series comprises eight webinars and is based on the chapters of the UNFCCC Secretariat’s Passenger...
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Reverse Innovation in Urban Mobility

Air pollution, noise and a lack of space – German municipalities are looking for ways to...
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Comprehensive Technical Guidelines for Lima’s Cycling Infrastructure

Even though Lima is described as having good geographic and climatic conditions for cycling, commutes by...
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Transport and Climate Change Training held in Kenya

Kenyan State Department of Transport together with the Advancing Transport Climate Strategies hosted a training working.
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Binding Design Standards for Cycling Infrastructure in Lima approved/Municipalidad de Lima aprueba nuevos estándares para ciclo-infraestructura

With the resolution N° 311-2017, the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima, the Peruvian capital city has adopted...
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Roundtable on NDC Implementation and Transparency in Transport

On 12 May, the GIZ project Advancing Transport Climate Strategies organised a Round Table Discussion that...
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Creating NAMAs for different sectors in Mexiko
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Global Environment Facility

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) was established in 1991 and serves, like the GCF, as operating...
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World Bank Group

The World Bank Group provides technical as well as financial assistance for many sustainable transport projects...
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City creditworthiness self-assessment and planning toolkit

This toolkit is intended to help improved the creditworthiness and access to finance of local authorities...
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European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

Since its creation, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has provided financing for transport...
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Asian Development Bank

Expanded climate finance ambition is a key element of ADB’s efforts to support its Developing Member Countries...
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WRI Learning Guide “Financing Sustainable Urban Development: An Introduction”

This interactive learning guide on “Financing Sustainable Urban Development: An Introduction” aims to support city officials...
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Tool: Green City Finance Directory | Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance

The Green City Finance Directory is a useful tool for subnational governments and stakeholders to identify...
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European Investment Bank (EIB)

The European Investment Bank (EIB) aims to advance the take-up of sustainable transport solutions by mobilising...
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Content Overview Climate Finance Toolkit

This content overview helps you navigate through the toolkit. General information  This introductory chapter gives background...
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Local Funding Options for Public Transportation

This report evaluates eighteen options for local funding instruments eligible to support finance public transport projects...
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Guidelines for Building a National Landscape of Climate Finance

This guide draws lessons from the Climate Policy Initiative’s experience in developing national landscapes of general...
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Green Bonds

Green bonds became an increasingly important innovative debt financing instrument to complement traditional public funding sources....
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General Climate Finance Decision-Making

Where to start? Which financing tool suits your context?  This Climate Finance Decision Making Tree is...
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Content Overview: Transparency Toolkit

Our designated Transparency Toolkit aims at tracking mitigation actions in the transport sector and will support...
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Sustainable Urban Mobility Indicators Project

The European Sustainable Urban Mobility Indicators Project (SUMI) developed a tool that assists cities with performing...
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Selecting the Most Effective Packages of Measures for SUMPs (CH4LLENGE Kit Manual)

The CH4LLENGE Kit Manual can also be used for cities who are already in the process...
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Mastering Mobility Training “Introduction to Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans”

These training materials will introduce you to Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning. They are structured around how...
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Mastering Mobility Training on SUMPs and Finance

These materials are dedicated to the topic of finance, more specifically financing resources and the criteria...
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Assessing the Impact of Measures and Evaluating Mobility Planning Processes

The EU project CH4LLENGE sought to identify and help assist with pressing challenges of developing, implementing...
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Manual on The Integration of Measures and Measure Packages in A SUMP: Start for Beginner Cities

Manual on The Integration of Measures and Measure Packages in A SUMP: Start for Beginner Cities...
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Zero Emission Bus Charging Systems

The aim of this report is to provide city officials and practitioners with an understanding of...
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Train the Trainer Materials

Training of driving instructors and in-company multiplicators is crucial for any programmatic effort to reach a...
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Guide for Quantifying GHG Emissions and Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SCVPs)

This document explains the relevance of quantifying GHG emissions and local air pollution, and finally explains,...
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Core Indicator and Monitoring Framework

This document sets out the core indicators framework and monitoring principles for the MobiliseYourCity Partnership. Objectives...
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Training Material for Trainers and Drivers

This collection of course materials in Spanish can be used directly for training truck drivers. Manual...
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Content Overview Bus Fleet Renewal Toolkit

This content overview helps you nagivate through this toolkit. Note that many of the posts listed...
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Training Needs Assessment for Electric Buses in India

This TNA identifies clear training needs in PTAs across e-Bus life cycle functions, various departments, and...
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Webinar on Urban Transportation and Climate Finance

This webinar introduces to climate finance in relation to urban transportation. The primary focus is on...
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Web-Based Training of Truck Drivers

Online ecodriving courses are often used to show both new and experienced drivers how to safely...
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Case studies from Asia and Latin America

The C40 Cities Finance Facility supports clean bus fleet projects in cities across Asia and Latin...
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SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis helps summarize and identify the most salient points identified during a previous assessment...
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Climate finance: 2019 Joint Report on Multilateral Development Banks’ Climate Finance

The nineth edition of the Joint Report on Multilateral Development Banks’ Climate Finance provides a general...
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Capacity Assessment of Driving Schools

Driving schools are a key actor for mainstreaming knowhow on Ecodriving and thus should be engaged...
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Tutorial: How to Use the MobiliseYourCity Emissions Calculator

GHG emissions scenarios for mobility plans To ease the use of the calculator, we have created...
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10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport