15 May 2018

EUROCLIMA+ Urban Mobility Reveals 19 New Projects in Latin America

The reduction of GHG emissions in the transport sector is central for achieving the Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting global warming to below 2°C. Over 25% of global energy related GHG emissions are caused by the transport of goods and persons. Latin American countries have not only committed themselves, through their NDCs, to contributing to this collective goal. Also, they strive to provide their citizens, 80% of which live in urban areas, with clean, safe and inclusive mobility solutions.

Through its Urban Mobility component, EUROCLIMA+ supports national and municipal governments in Latin America in the development of sustainable urban mobility policies. The call for proposals for technical and financial assistance included both National Urban Mobility Policies and Programmes (NUMPs), Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) and pilot projects at the local level. The proposals were evaluated by an Evaluation Panel composed of experts appointed by the French and German international development agencies (AFD and GIZ) and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).

The following 19 projects with a total estimated value of over 8 million euros were selected:

3 NUMPs at national level

  •  Chile: urban transport
  •  Ecuador: articulation of national and local levels
  •  Uruguay: electric mobility

7 SUMPs at the municipal / city level

  •  Cordoba (Argentina): citizen participation and GHG accounting
  •  Baixada Santista (Brazil): urban logistics
  •  Antofagasta (Chile): comprehensive project
  •  La Habana (Cuba): active mobility
  •  Ambato (Ecuador): comprehensive project
  •  Guadalajara (Mexico): citizen participation, GHG accounting and digitization
  •  Arequipa (Peru): comprehensive project

9 Pilot projects at the municipal / city level

  •  Teresina (Brazil): digitization
  •  Ibagué (Colombia): active and electric mobility (e-bikes)
  •  San Juan Comalapa (Guatemala): electric mobility
  •  La Paz (Bolivia): promotion of alternative transport modes
  •  Puebla (Mexico): increased accessibility to public transport
  •  Montes de Oca (Costa Rica): urban cycling
  •  Cordoba (Argentina): GHG accounting
  •  La Habana (Cuba): transforming a city district to showcase sustainable mobility
  •  Guadalajara (Mexico): transport data collection

GIZ will support implementation of the NUMPs in Chile and Uruguay, SUMPs in Antofagasta, Ambato and Guadalajara, as well as the pilot projects in Ibagué, San Juan Comalapa and Montes de Oca.


©GIZ/Carlos Pardo@flickr
Andres Martinez