14 February 2019

Guadalajara and the European Union Cooperate on Sustainable Mobility

Two projects of the Urban Mobility Component of EUROCLIMA+ are currently being implemented in the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara, Mexico by its Metropolitan Planning Institute (IMEPLAN) and GIZ. These projects aim at improving the Integrated Plan for Sustainable Urban Mobility of the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara to achieve the following objectives.

  • Better cooperation among municipalities within the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara
  • Include sustainable, accessible, safe and economically efficient transport modes
  • Prioritize a package of measures with estimated costs to secure investments for their implementation
  • Update data on passenger mobility
  • Contribute to Mexico’s national climate change strategy through the integration of mitigation goals

The projects were officially launched on February 6, 2019 during a high-level political event between the European Union and the State of Jalisco. Jalisco is a strong partner of the European Union, as cooperation goes beyond EUROCLIMA+ to include also the International Urban Cooperation (IUC) programme, which facilitates cooperation between cities in different regions.

We are proud to cooperate with IMEPLAN to improve Guadalajara’s Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) following the approach of the MobiliseYourCity Partnership.

The EUROCLIMA+ Programme, financed by the European Union, supports 18 Latin American countries promote sustainable and climate-resilient development. The programme is constituted by seven sectoral components, one of which is focused on urban mobility and implemented by GIZ and AFD (Agence Francaise de Développement), together with the respective local and national partners. 3 National Urban Mobility Policies or Investment Programmes (NUMPs), 7 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) and 9 Pilot Projects are currently being implemented through the Urban Mobility Component.

Photo by Gobierno Zapopan (CreativeCommons NonCommercial 2.0)

Miriam Monterrubio