New Online Training Programme: Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs)

Comprehensive Training for Decision-Makers on the Methodology for Developing and Implementing SUMPs

The EUROCLIMA+ Urban Mobility Component Community of Practice has launched the blended-learning course for practitioners in the development of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans in Latin America. The programme is a joint action with Rupprecht Consult.

The objective of this course is to reinforce the technical support to the development of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) that EUROCLIMA+ is currently developing in the region, specifically in the cities of Ambato (Ecuador), Antofagasta (Chile), Baixada Santista (Brazil), Córdoba (Argentina), Havana (Cuba) as well as Arequipa, Guadalajara and other cities in Peru and Mexico; through a series of learning activities that will provide authorities, experts and specialists in urban mobility planning with the tools and knowledge they need to develop and implement their SUMPs. The training will develop capacities synchronised with the development of the SUMPs and integrate examples from the above mentioned cities as case studies. The goal is to establish lasting capacities and competencies at all levels, focusing on the local level for better integration and cooperation in urban mobility planning.

This course, structured in 4 phases that together form a year of training, is supported by Rupprecht Consult, who have adapted their Mobility Academy to Spanish to reach out to the Latin American region. In this way, the course will address the steps required for developing a SUMP:

  1. Analysis of the problems and opportunities for mobility in the city;
  2. Vision, objectives and agreed goals;
  3. Adoption of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan; and
  4. Implementation and evaluation of the measures.

The course is based on a mix of webinars, case studies, forums, and tasks, among other activities, allowing a comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge, which will allow attendees to test the progress of the SUMPs they are developing. In addition, it seeks to generate a dialogue space among decision-makers in the region, allowing the transfer and communication of different experiences between the participating cities. The course will end with the delivery of a participation diploma, which will accredit the completion of the course and is expected to facilitate the replicability of content learned in other cities in the region.

This exhaustive course is also complemented with other webinars managed by the Community of Practice, focused on topics such as Gender, MRV, and Financing, strengthening the knowledge on the development of SUMPs with themes transversal to sustainable mobility, such as green financing, data collection and calculation of emissions, and measures against street harassment in public transport; allowing to accelerate the transition towards the development of sustainable urban mobility and more humane and liveable cities in Latin America. The blended-learning course will be replicated and become an integral part of the Community of Practice.

The Community of Practice is a free virtual space, which currently has more than 300 registered members.

Rupprecht Consult 2019.
10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport