
Stay up to date with the latest news on ambitions and actions related to zero emission transport!

Opportunities and Challenges of Electrifying the Minibus Sector in Africa

The electrification of smaller capacity vehicles, such as 2- and 3-wheelers, as well as full-size buses, has gained much momentum around the globe and is increasingly doing so in Africa. However, the same cannot...

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What is Mexico’s New Mobility Strategy about?

Last June a significant change occurred in mobility sector in Mexico. A new strategy in mobility...
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Smart, Inclusive and Sustainable Public Transport: The Route for Reducing Emissions in Mexico

How to improve public transport in Mexico? Searching for new and better ways to transport is important...
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Sustainable Mobility with Renewable Energies in Morocco

Transportation plays a pivotal role in shaping societies worldwide, facilitating connections among people, and fostering economic...
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Pathing the Way for the Thai Clean Mobility Programme

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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MobiliseYourCity: Overview SUMP Training Materials

General Information To scale and facilitate the capacity-building process, MobiliseYourCity developed a full overview of training...
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Drawing Lessons from Developing the First SUMP in Chile

The integration of transport planning methods. Since October 2018, as part of the EUROCLIMA+ programme, GIZ...
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Principles for Preparing City Logistics Plans

This article is part of a three-part article series which aims to provide an over-view on...
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From a Functional to a Livable City – the Story of Ecuador

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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How to Plan on a Metropolitan Scale – the Story of Mexico

In 2018, the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area (AMG) started with an ambitious goal: to improve mobility planning...
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Way Forward on Decarbonising Urban Mobility in South-East Europe

Countries in South-East Europe face obstacles when moving towards with sustainable mobility practices and overall decarbonization...
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Promoting Efficient Mobility and Transport Planning in Argentinean Cities

In its second NDC from 2020 to 2025, the government of Argentina has increased its climate...
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Future Ahoy!

Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to try something new. “Future Ahoy!” is the result of such a...
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Leapfrogging to sustainable mobility in Africa

By 2050, Africa is expected to be home to 2.5 billion people – many of whom...
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Ambato Presents its SUMP to Move Towards Sustainable Mobility

The city of Ambato presented its Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP), an instrument that contains an...
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First Implementation of SUMP in China

A new Approach in Foshan’s Green Mobility Transition With the aim of strengthening green mobility and...
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A New Spirit of Sustainable Transport

The spirit of implementing sustainable transport in the beginning of 2022 was marked by a “Training...
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On the Way to Tracking Transport in Colombian NDC

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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Strengthening Transport and Climate Actions through Regional Peer Networks

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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Women, Transport and Mobility in Latin America

The National Active Mobility Strategy (ENMA) Urban mobility is fundamental in offering quality of life to...
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Key Outcomes for Increasing Cycling Trips in Guadalajara Metropolitan Area

When we increase cycling trips in a city, we bring improvements not only to people’s health...
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Series of Technical Peer-to-Peer Exchanges in Latin America concludes.

“It has been very enriching for us to learn about the experiences of other cities and...
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Paving the Way for People-centered Mobility in Antofagasta

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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Actions to move sustainably in Latin America

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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Content Overview SUMP Toolkit

General Information and Outreach This introductory chapter provides information on the concept of SUMPs, its global...
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Cycling Study Will Promote Sustainable Mobility in the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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New Training for Bankable Sustainable Mobility in Latin America

The formulation of bankable climate initiatives is one of the main challenges in Latin America to...
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Raising the Latin American Voice on Transport

The fourth version of the GIZ Transport and Climate Change Week created a relevant space for...
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MobiliseYourCity at the European Development Days

A leading example of European cooperation for sustainable urban mobility Urban mobility is an essential sector...
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MobiliseYourCity is 5 years old

5 years in review: success worth scaling Launched by France, Germany and the European Union at...
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Toolkit-Launch: Tackling Urban Mobility Challenges

When it comes to the development and implementation of sustainable and environmentally friendly urban transport systems...
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Coordination and Steering Structure

A tool for the main stakeholders to set up a steering structure for SUMP development and...
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Sustainable Urban Transport in the Developing World: Beyond Megacities

This article reviews the potential role and impact of nine commonly considered options when transitioning to...
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Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans: Implementing the New Urban Agenda

The main goal of the Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP) is to assist developing and transitioning...
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Good Practice SUMPs

This selection of Good Practices offers politicians, officials from local and national governments as well as...
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Launch of Practitioner Toolkits for Action on Low Carbon Transport

Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically...
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“This Commitment to Decarbonising Urban Transport is Paying off”

In August 2020, the MobiliseYourCity Partnership published the annual “MobiliseYourCity Global Monitor 2020“. In this interview,...
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SUMP Model Terms of Reference

This document constitutes the official model of Terms of Reference for the development of a Sustainable...
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User Manual for the MYC Emissions Calculator

This user guide provides an overview of the background, methodology and design of the MobiliseYourCity Emisisons...
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Taxes and Congestion Charges: Study Identifies Financing Mechanisms for Sustainable Mobility

With the aim of increasing the resources that can be allocated to sustainable urban mobility projects...
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New Tool: The MobiliseYourCity Emissions Calculator

The MobiliseYourCity Emissions Calculator supports cities and countries in calculating GHG emissions in transport as well...
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A brushstroke for better mobility in Costa Rica

Green, blue, orange – in November 2019, pedestrians, cyclists and particularly drivers in Costa Rica’s Greater...
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New Online Training Programme: Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs)

The EUROCLIMA+ Urban Mobility Component Community of Practice has launched the blended-learning course for practitioners in...
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Modernizing the Jeepney Sector: “I wait for it. I don’t ride the old Jeepneys.”

Maylin Tuano stopped riding old Jeepneys, the most dominant form of public transport, and started to...
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Ambato strengthens its Commitment to Sustainable Mobility

With the purpose of reversing the trend of intensive vehicle use, greenhouse gas emissions and rapid...
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Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning in Metropolitan Regions

The SUMP topic guides were created to supplement the guidelines. They were also updated with the...
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SUMP Guidelines 2.0

This is Europe’s major strategic planning instrument for authorities to develop and implement a long-term sustainable...
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“At its Essence, the MobiliseYourCity Partnership Connects!”

Since April 2019 Sasank Vemuri has followed Markus Delfs in the position of Secretariat Coordinator for...
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Guadalajara and the European Union Cooperate on Sustainable Mobility

Two projects of the Urban Mobility Component of EUROCLIMA+ are currently being implemented in the Metropolitan...
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EUROCLIMA+ Urban Mobility Reveals 19 New Projects in Latin America

The reduction of GHG emissions in the transport sector is central for achieving the Paris Agreement’s...
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Promoting environmentally sustainable and climate-resilient development in 18 Latin American countries
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SUTRI NAMA and INDOBUS Projects Kick-off in Indonesia

The implementation agreement for the SUTRI NAMA and INDOBUS has been signed by the General Secretary...
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MobiliseYourCity Partnership

Accelerating the transition of sustainable urban mobility
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Content Overview: Transparency Toolkit

Our designated Transparency Toolkit aims at tracking mitigation actions in the transport sector and will support...
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Sustainable Urban Mobility Indicators Project

The European Sustainable Urban Mobility Indicators Project (SUMI) developed a tool that assists cities with performing...
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Selecting the Most Effective Packages of Measures for SUMPs (CH4LLENGE Kit Manual)

The CH4LLENGE Kit Manual can also be used for cities who are already in the process...
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Mastering Mobility Training “Introduction to Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans”

These training materials will introduce you to Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning. They are structured around how...
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Mastering Mobility Training on SUMPs and Finance

These materials are dedicated to the topic of finance, more specifically financing resources and the criteria...
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Assessing the Impact of Measures and Evaluating Mobility Planning Processes

The EU project CH4LLENGE sought to identify and help assist with pressing challenges of developing, implementing...
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Manual on The Integration of Measures and Measure Packages in A SUMP: Start for Beginner Cities

Manual on The Integration of Measures and Measure Packages in A SUMP: Start for Beginner Cities...
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Webinar on Urban Transportation and Climate Finance

This webinar introduces to climate finance in relation to urban transportation. The primary focus is on...
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EUROCLIMA+ Webinars: Mobility and Road Security Management

This tool includes a series of webinars held by Euroclima+ on several cross cutting topics in...
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This tool includes a series of webinars held by Euroclima+ on several cross cutting topics in...
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EUROCLIMA+ Webinars: Financing

This tool includes a series of webinars held by Euroclima+ on several cross cutting topics in...
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EUROCLIMA+ Webinars: Gender

This tool includes a series of webinars held by Euroclima+ on several cross cutting topics in...
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Annotated Table of Contents for Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs)

The document provides information on how a SUMP (or other related strategic mobility planning document) is...
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Financing Urban Transportation Policies and Programs

This webinar explores low-carbon urban mobility plans and focuses on planning and financing. Issues around the...
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10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport