A New Spirit of Sustainable Transport

The spirit of implementing sustainable transport in the beginning of 2022 was marked by a “Training of Trainers” and the Steering Committee Meeting of the SUTRI NAMA & INDOBUS.

The COVID-19 pandemic delayed several activities that support the implementation of sustainable transport, including activities within the collaboration between SUTRI NAMA & INDOBUS with the Ministry of Transport (MoT).

High motivation to change transport in Indonesia – the “Training of Trainers”

However, the spirit to change transport in Indonesia is getting stronger this year. Capacity development, an important factor in facilitating sustainable transport, has been held by SUTRI NAMA & INDOBUS together with the MoT through a Capacity Development Programme in the form of a “Training of Trainers” in Jakarta in March. At the end of the programme, participants are capable to manage transport demands, such as urban transport planning with an emphasis on integrated BRT systems and tender processes.

The participants who attended the training event were representatives from the Human Resource Development Center Transportation Apparatus (PPSDMAP), Indonesian Land Transportation Polytechnic (PTDI-STTD), Bali Land Transportation Polytechnic (POLTRADA Bali), and Tegal Road Transport Safety Polytechnic (PKTJ Tegal) with speakers from SUTRI NAMA & INDOBUS, the MoT, and related ministries. For one month, participants on-site and online were given materials related to sustainable transport and the BRT system.

In addition to the capacity development, participants were also invited to group workshops discussing the material. Field visits to National Public Procurement Agency (LKPP), Government Procurement Service Agency (BPPBJ) DKI Jakarta, and PT TransJakarta were also part of the programme.

The 4th Steering Committee Meeting of SUTRI NAMA & INDOBUS

The spirit of developing sustainable transport in Indonesia was again strengthened through the 4th Steering Committee Meeting of SUTRI NAMA & INDOBUS, which took place in Jakarta on March 9. The Director-General of Land Transportation, Budi Setiyadi, provided a speech and officially open the event virtually:

Dependence on private vehicles is a challenge to build sustainable transport. I am grateful and will continue to appreciate SUTRI NAMA & INDOBUS for continuing to help the Government of Indonesia realise the BRT system in Bandung, Semarang, Makassar, Batam, and Pekanbaru.”

Budi Setiyadi, Director-General of Land Transportation

The event focused on a report on SUTRI NAMA & INDOBUS activities throughout 2021, a presentation of work plans related to the Feasibility Studies (FS) of BRT in Batam and Makassar and on discussions related to the work plan in Bandung, Batam, dan Pekanbaru this year. The event also hosted a handover session on the results of the implementation of the SUTRI NAMA & INDOBUS project in the form of FS for BRT development in Batam and Makassar from GIZ and the Swiss Government through the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) to the MoT.

After the handover session, the event continued with several topics presented by SUTRI NAMA & INDOBUS, which were:

  • Feasibility Studies of BRT development in Batam and Makassar
  • Activities related to capacity development
  • Greenhouse gas studies
  • Funding mechanisms for BRT Projects in Makassar and Semarang

In addition, discussions were held between the Steering Committee, GIZ and SECO regarding support for the implementation of the BRT system in Indonesia, especially for projects in Pekanbaru and Batam. During the closing of the event, Deputy Head, Economic Cooperation and Development of SECO, Andrea Zbinden, expressed her appreciation for the work plan and collaboration between SUTRI NAMA & INDOBUS and the MoT this past year. She hopes that the spirit of implementing sustainable transport in Indonesia can be realised in line with the world’s recovery from the coronavirus pandemic:

The spirit of building sustainable transport has bounced back this year. I hope that after Bandung, the cities of Pekanbaru and Batam can also start the implementation of the construction of its BRT system,”

Andrea Zbinden, Deputy Head, Economic Cooperation and Development of SECO

10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport