EUROCLIMA+ Webinars: Gender

This tool includes a series of webinars held by Euroclima+ on several cross cutting topics in urban mobility such as financing, gender, MRV, road safey and mobility management.

Document Type: Knowledge Product
Name of the Document: Género y Movilidad Urbana: dónde estamos y hacia dónde vamos
Organisation: EUROCLIMA+
Year: 2019
Number of Pages: 48
Language: Spanish

Download here

Document Type: Knowledge Product
Name of the Document: Mujeres y ciclismo urbano
Organisation: Mujeres en Movimiento
Year: 2019
Number of Pages: 54
Language: Spanish

Download here

Document Type: Knowledge Product
Name of the Document: Patrones de movilidad con perspectiva de género
Organisation: Mujeres en Movimiento
Year: 2019
Number of Pages: 41
Language: Spanish

Download here

Document Type: Knowledge Product
Name of the Document: Planeación de movilidad con perspectiva de género
Organisation: Mujeres en Movimiento
Year: 2019
Number of Pages: 44
Language: Spanish

Download here


10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport