Mastering Mobility Training on SUMPs and Finance

These materials are dedicated to the topic of finance, more specifically financing resources and the criteria for creating bankable projects in the scope of a SUMP.

With these materials, you will be able to:

  1. Understand basic finance related concepts and terms such as:
    • Funding and finance for urban mobility
    • Financial and economic analysis and input requirements for urban mobility projects
    • Capital (CAPEX) and operational expenditures (OPEX) in urban mobility
  2. Understand when finance-related issues need to be considered in a SUMP
    • Financing steps in the SUMP cycle
    • Boundaries of a SUMP (no detailed cost estimates, etc.)
  3. Learn from additional resources to leverage financial resources for implementation
    • MobiliseYourCity contribution to mobilizing finance for SUMPs
    • City Climate Finance Gap Fund
    • Additional resources

Name of the Document: Mastering Mobility Trainings on SUMPs and Finance
Organisation: MobiliseYourCity
Year: 2020
Language: English

Download here

10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport