Webinar on Urban Transportation and Climate Finance

This webinar introduces to climate finance in relation to urban transportation. The primary focus is on international sources of climate finance, including multi-lateral and bilateral development finance.

The need for Climate Finance for Urban Transport

(Min. 12:49 – 27:56)

Dr. Subash Dhar (Senior Researcher (UNEP-DTU) & Senior Fellow (Global Center for Environment & Energy)) introduces into the topic by outlining demographic transitions, trends in urban transportation and their impacts, which underline the need for climate financing in urban transport.

Accessing Climate Finance for Urban Transport

(Min. 31:00 – 47:40)

In this section, Mr. Sasank Vemuri (Coordinator – MYC Partnership) explains broad and narrow definitions of climate finance, gives an overview over the main sources of Climate Finance globally, including the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the Climate Investment Funds (CIF) and shows what sources are most relevant for India.

Accessing Multilateral Development Climate Finance in Urban Transport

(Min. 49:04-01:06)

Mr. Robert Valkovic (Principal Transportation Specialist – ADB) highlights the roles of MDBs in climate finance for urban transport, with a focus on the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

Accessing BiLateral Development Financing

(Min. 01:07 – 01:30)

Mr. Frederic Audras (Head of Urban Development Planning &Housing Department – AFD) points out to tools in order to strengthen local governments’ (LG) creditworthiness and capacities and explains different financing schemes at AFD, including inter alia direct loans to LGs, credit lines to financial institutions specialized in local public sector.

Topics: climate finance, international sources, urban mobility
Document Type: Webinar (incl. slides)
Name of the Document:  Webinar | Urban Transportation and Climate Finance
Speakers: Ms. Clemence Vidal De La Blache (Deputy Director – AFD, India); Dr. Subash Dhar (Senior Researcher (UNEP-DTU) & Senior Fellow (Global Center for Environment & Energy)); Mr. Sasank Vemuri (Coordinator – MYC Partnership); Mr. Robert Valkovic (Principal Transportation Specialist – ADB); Mr. Frederic Audras (Head of Urban Development Planning &Housing Department – AFD)
Organisation: MobiliseYourCity (MYC), UNEP, ADB, AFD (Agence Francaise du Developpement)
Year: 2020
Presentations: 4
Language: English

Watch the webinar here (01:40h)

Download slides here

10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport