User Manual for the MYC Emissions Calculator

User Manual

This user guide provides an overview of the background, methodology and design of the MobiliseYourCity Emisisons Calculator. It will help users navigate through the various features of the MobiliseYourCity Emisisons Calculator, which is designed to assist users in calculating a greenhouse gas inventory for a particular reference year and the impact of scenarios for future years – up to 2050.
The MobiliseYourCity Emissions Calculator is designed to determine the GHG mitigation potential of SUMPs and NUMPs. In particular, it enables countries and cities to calculate transport-related GHG emissions for a reference year and a business-as-usual (BAU) scenario, as well as to quantify the emission reductions from mitigation actions – the so-called climate scenario.

You can download the User Manual here.


Name of the Document: “User Manual for the MobiliseYourCity Emissions Calculator”
Organization: MobilizeYourCity
Authors: Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg (ifeu)
Pages: 38
Language: English

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