
Stay up to date with the latest news on ambitions and actions related to zero emission transport!

Opportunities and Challenges of Electrifying the Minibus Sector in Africa

The electrification of smaller capacity vehicles, such as 2- and 3-wheelers, as well as full-size buses, has gained much momentum around the globe and is increasingly doing so in Africa. However, the same cannot...

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Join a Network of Data and MRV Experts

Our experts from Colombia, Uganda, Indonesia, Thailand and the UNFCCC are expirienced with the practical challenges...
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Why Urban Mobility and Gender?

To achieve sustainable mobility, we must integrate the experiences and realities of the half of the...
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Drawing Lessons from Developing the First SUMP in Chile

The integration of transport planning methods. Since October 2018, as part of the EUROCLIMA+ programme, GIZ...
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A Fitness Regimen for the Planet

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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COP27 under the UNFCCC will be held between November 6 and November 18, 2022. As in...
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NUMPs guiding living mobility ecosystems in Latin-America

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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What it Takes to Build a “NUMP” – the Story of Uruguay

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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From a Functional to a Livable City – the Story of Ecuador

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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Mobility for All in Guatemala

Traditionally, family roles are highly genderized; therefore, women mostly fulfil household and care activities. This implies...
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How to Plan on a Metropolitan Scale – the Story of Mexico

In 2018, the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area (AMG) started with an ambitious goal: to improve mobility planning...
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Cycling Against All Odds in Costa Rica

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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Promoting Efficient Mobility and Transport Planning in Argentinean Cities

In its second NDC from 2020 to 2025, the government of Argentina has increased its climate...
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Guide to Electric Urban Mobility in Uruguay

In the framework of the elaboration of its National Policy for Sustainable Urban Mobility (NUMP), the...
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Ambato Presents its SUMP to Move Towards Sustainable Mobility

The city of Ambato presented its Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP), an instrument that contains an...
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Avoid and shift – Achieving various sustainability benefits with active modes and transit

How can mobility develop its full potential to enable people an easy and safe access to...
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On the Way to Tracking Transport in Colombian NDC

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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Women, Transport and Mobility in Latin America

The National Active Mobility Strategy (ENMA) Urban mobility is fundamental in offering quality of life to...
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Key Outcomes for Increasing Cycling Trips in Guadalajara Metropolitan Area

When we increase cycling trips in a city, we bring improvements not only to people’s health...
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Chile presented its National Sustainable Mobility Strategy

Through the SECTRA Programme of the Ministry of Transports and Telecommunications, the Government of Chile launched...
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Did Glasgow shift up gears on climate ambition in transport?

COP26 outcomes concerning mobility and transport On Nov 19th, 2021, we discussed with you the implications...
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Paving the Way for People-centered Mobility in Antofagasta

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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The 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)...
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Setting Sustainable Transport on the Agenda at this Year’s COP26 in Glasgow

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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Actions to move sustainably in Latin America

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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Towards a Regional Vision for Sustainable Transport in Latin America and the Caribbean

The latest IPCC report reinforces that the climate crisis is the greatest threat to humanity. It...
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Cycling Study Will Promote Sustainable Mobility in the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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New Training for Bankable Sustainable Mobility in Latin America

The formulation of bankable climate initiatives is one of the main challenges in Latin America to...
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Connecting Global Realities with Global Discourse

In a joint initiative of the Urban Mobility sector of the EUROCLIMA+ programme and the Advancing...
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Raising the Latin American Voice on Transport

The fourth version of the GIZ Transport and Climate Change Week created a relevant space for...
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The Role of NUMPs in Promoting Electric Mobility in Uruguay

Due to urban growth of recent decades, governments of all regions have pointed out the relevance...
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A Global Dialogue on Decarbonising Transport

After one week filled with inputs, knowledge exchange, and fruitful discussions, this year’s Transport and Climate...
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Supporting the NDC Update in Colombia: an Opportunity to Review Data

In September 2019, Colombia started its process of updating the NDC to the UNFCCC. The update...
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Tuc Tucs, the Electric Vehicles that Will Help Women Entrepreneurs in San Juan Comalapa, Guatemala

Sariah Azucena Susana Caniz Telón gets off the Tuc Tuc with a bundle of bags at...
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Costa Rica: Montes de Oca Opens First 4km of Cycle Lane

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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En Route to COP26: Transport decarbonisation is essential to green, equitable recovery

Scheduled 12 months prior to the postponed COP26, the event was designed to accelerate collective and...
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5 years Paris Agreement – 5 years of Action in Transport

Five years have passed since the leaders of 196 nations signed the Paris Agreement and committed...
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Towards the Promotion of Urban Cycling in Costa Rica

Cycling infrastructure provides a sustainable mobility alternative and encourages more cyclists in urban spaces. Now this...
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Toolkit-Launch: Tackling Urban Mobility Challenges

When it comes to the development and implementation of sustainable and environmentally friendly urban transport systems...
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En Route to COP26

From December 1st to 3rd, different sectoral actors gather to discuss strategies for a quick, efficient,...
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Launch of Practitioner Toolkits for Action on Low Carbon Transport

Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically...
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Electric Mobility to Enhance NDC Ambitions

Latin America currently contributes 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions. However, estimations show that, without firm...
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This tool presents guidance on how to conduct a Cost-Benefit-Analysis by explaining concepts and describing methodologies....
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Curridabat and Montes de Oca Seek to Become Model Cities for Urban Cycling

San José, Costa Rica, February 12, 2020. With support of the Euroclima+ programme, the Costa Rican...
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Without the Transport Sector, the Paris Agreement’s Goal Is Out of Reach

In order to stay in line with the climate target of 1.5°C we need to ramp...
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New Online Training Programme: Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs)

The EUROCLIMA+ Urban Mobility Component Community of Practice has launched the blended-learning course for practitioners in...
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According to UN Environment’s latest Emissions Gap Report, current ambition under the Paris Agreement are not...
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A Bike Changes Your Life in Every Way

How do women move around in Latin American cities? Lina Esperanza Mendoza bets on the bicycle...
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Ambato strengthens its Commitment to Sustainable Mobility

With the purpose of reversing the trend of intensive vehicle use, greenhouse gas emissions and rapid...
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Climate Finance is Key to Accelerate Action

Timely finance for the implementation of climate actions is both the key and the challenge to...
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Guadalajara and the European Union Cooperate on Sustainable Mobility

Two projects of the Urban Mobility Component of EUROCLIMA+ are currently being implemented in the Metropolitan...
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Transport and Climate Change Week: Presentations

Here you can find the list of the presentations used during the Transport and Climate Change Week,...
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EUROCLIMA+ Urban Mobility Reveals 19 New Projects in Latin America

The reduction of GHG emissions in the transport sector is central for achieving the Paris Agreement’s...
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Promoting environmentally sustainable and climate-resilient development in 18 Latin American countries
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Guide for Quantifying GHG Emissions and Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SCVPs)

This document explains the relevance of quantifying GHG emissions and local air pollution, and finally explains,...
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Steering Structure

A tool for the main stakeholders to set up a steering structure for NUMP development and...
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Examples of Real World NUMPs

This Tool offers a selection of several national approaches towards sustainable urban mobility from around the...
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EUROCLIMA+ Webinars: Mobility and Road Security Management

This tool includes a series of webinars held by Euroclima+ on several cross cutting topics in...
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This tool includes a series of webinars held by Euroclima+ on several cross cutting topics in...
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EUROCLIMA+ Webinars: Financing

This tool includes a series of webinars held by Euroclima+ on several cross cutting topics in...
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Overview of Financing Options/Sources

These studies give an overview of possible financial mechanisms and design elements to take into consideration...
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Status Quo Case Studies and Good Practices

This compilation of documents offers various examples of final reports and case studies on the status...
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Training Materials: Cycling and Non-Motorised Transport

This tool provides a list of training measures on NUMP-related topics by various well-reputed, non-for-profit providers...
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Training Materials: Gender

This tool provides a list of training measures on NUMP-related topics by various well-reputed, non-for-profit providers...
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Training Providers

This tool provides a list of various well-reputed, non-for-profit providers of training measures on NUMP-related topics....
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Stakeholder Mapping

The Stakeholder Map helps identify and visualise the relevant stakeholders and their relationships, thereby facilitating a...
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EUROCLIMA+ Webinars: Gender

This tool includes a series of webinars held by Euroclima+ on several cross cutting topics in...
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10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport