
Stay up to date with the latest news on ambitions and actions related to zero emission transport!

Opportunities and Challenges of Electrifying the Minibus Sector in Africa

The electrification of smaller capacity vehicles, such as 2- and 3-wheelers, as well as full-size buses, has gained much momentum around the globe and is increasingly doing so in Africa. However, the same cannot...

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What is Mexico’s New Mobility Strategy about?

Last June a significant change occurred in mobility sector in Mexico. A new strategy in mobility...
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Smart, Inclusive and Sustainable Public Transport: The Route for Reducing Emissions in Mexico

How to improve public transport in Mexico? Searching for new and better ways to transport is important...
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Pathing the Way for the Thai Clean Mobility Programme

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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NUMPs guiding living mobility ecosystems in Latin-America

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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What it Takes to Build a “NUMP” – the Story of Uruguay

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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Guide to Electric Urban Mobility in Uruguay

In the framework of the elaboration of its National Policy for Sustainable Urban Mobility (NUMP), the...
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Leapfrogging to sustainable mobility in Africa

By 2050, Africa is expected to be home to 2.5 billion people – many of whom...
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Series of Technical Peer-to-Peer Exchanges in Latin America concludes.

“It has been very enriching for us to learn about the experiences of other cities and...
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Empowering cities with national support?

Author: Marion Vieweg Cities are already taking an active role in climate action… In 2020, more...
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Chile presented its National Sustainable Mobility Strategy

Through the SECTRA Programme of the Ministry of Transports and Telecommunications, the Government of Chile launched...
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Strengthening Urban Connectivity through ‘Buy the Service Program’ in Indonesia

The potential for population and urbanisation in accelerating the economic growth is constrained by traffic congestion....
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New Training for Bankable Sustainable Mobility in Latin America

The formulation of bankable climate initiatives is one of the main challenges in Latin America to...
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The Role of NUMPs in Promoting Electric Mobility in Uruguay

Due to urban growth of recent decades, governments of all regions have pointed out the relevance...
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Transport and Climate Change Week

Building confidence in change  For the fourth time we bring together experts and decision-makers from all around...
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MobiliseYourCity at the European Development Days

A leading example of European cooperation for sustainable urban mobility Urban mobility is an essential sector...
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Content Overview NUMP Toolkit

General Information Highlights the relevance of sustainable urban mobility from a societal point of view, introduces...
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En Route to COP26: Transport decarbonisation is essential to green, equitable recovery

Scheduled 12 months prior to the postponed COP26, the event was designed to accelerate collective and...
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MobiliseYourCity is 5 years old

5 years in review: success worth scaling Launched by France, Germany and the European Union at...
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Introducing MobiliseYourCity’s NUMP Guidelines

Global problems, local solutions Interdependency is now the order to the day. Global problems, such as...
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Toolkit-Launch: Tackling Urban Mobility Challenges

When it comes to the development and implementation of sustainable and environmentally friendly urban transport systems...
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Launch of Practitioner Toolkits for Action on Low Carbon Transport

Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically...
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“This Commitment to Decarbonising Urban Transport is Paying off”

In August 2020, the MobiliseYourCity Partnership published the annual “MobiliseYourCity Global Monitor 2020“. In this interview,...
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User Manual for the MYC Emissions Calculator

This user guide provides an overview of the background, methodology and design of the MobiliseYourCity Emisisons...
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New Tool: The MobiliseYourCity Emissions Calculator

The MobiliseYourCity Emissions Calculator supports cities and countries in calculating GHG emissions in transport as well...
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This tool presents guidance on how to conduct a Cost-Benefit-Analysis by explaining concepts and describing methodologies....
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Exchanging Know-How on How to Change Transport in Indonesia

On November 27th, a group of officials from the Government of Indonesia visited the GIZ Headquarters...
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Ambato strengthens its Commitment to Sustainable Mobility

With the purpose of reversing the trend of intensive vehicle use, greenhouse gas emissions and rapid...
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“At its Essence, the MobiliseYourCity Partnership Connects!”

Since April 2019 Sasank Vemuri has followed Markus Delfs in the position of Secretariat Coordinator for...
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Best Practices for Urban Mobility Planning

Many cities face major challenges due to the negative impact of increasing motorisation and fast urban...
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Active Transport and Travel Demand Management

Between 2014 and 2016 TRANSfer supported the Colombian Government in the design of a NAMA on...
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EUROCLIMA+ Urban Mobility Reveals 19 New Projects in Latin America

The reduction of GHG emissions in the transport sector is central for achieving the Paris Agreement’s...
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Modernising Public Transport in the Philippines

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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Promoting environmentally sustainable and climate-resilient development in 18 Latin American countries
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SUTRI NAMA and INDOBUS Projects Kick-off in Indonesia

The implementation agreement for the SUTRI NAMA and INDOBUS has been signed by the General Secretary...
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Changing Transport in Thailand

When arriving in Thailand it is next to impossible to avoid the topics of transport and...
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MobiliseYourCity Partnership

Accelerating the transition of sustainable urban mobility
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Core Indicator and Monitoring Framework

This document sets out the core indicators framework and monitoring principles for the MobiliseYourCity Partnership. Objectives...
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SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis helps summarize and identify the most salient points identified during a previous assessment...
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Steering Structure

A tool for the main stakeholders to set up a steering structure for NUMP development and...
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Templates for Memoranda of Understanding

Practitioners are provided with examples of previous Memoranda of Understanding (MoU), which are cooperation agreements between...
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MobiliseYourCity Partnership Model Terms of Reference

MobiliseYourCity Model Terms of Reference for the development of NUMPs includes the objectives, scope, tasks and...
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Examples of Real World NUMPs

This Tool offers a selection of several national approaches towards sustainable urban mobility from around the...
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EUROCLIMA+ Webinars: Mobility and Road Security Management

This tool includes a series of webinars held by Euroclima+ on several cross cutting topics in...
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This tool includes a series of webinars held by Euroclima+ on several cross cutting topics in...
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EUROCLIMA+ Webinars: Financing

This tool includes a series of webinars held by Euroclima+ on several cross cutting topics in...
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MYC NUMP Factsheet

MYC’s NUMP Factsheet provides a compact definition of NUMPs and highlights their importance in supporting and...
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MobiliseYourCity Monitoring & Reporting Approach for GHG Emissions

This publication sets out the GHG monitoring and reporting principles for the MobiliseYourCity Partnership. A focus...
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Overview of Financing Options/Sources

These studies give an overview of possible financial mechanisms and design elements to take into consideration...
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Status Quo Case Studies and Good Practices

This compilation of documents offers various examples of final reports and case studies on the status...
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Training Materials: Cycling and Non-Motorised Transport

This tool provides a list of training measures on NUMP-related topics by various well-reputed, non-for-profit providers...
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Training Materials: Gender

This tool provides a list of training measures on NUMP-related topics by various well-reputed, non-for-profit providers...
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Training Providers

This tool provides a list of various well-reputed, non-for-profit providers of training measures on NUMP-related topics....
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How to Ensure Target Group Specific Communication

No one-size-fits-all: The same information may be communicated in different ways via different channels to reach...
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Stakeholder Mapping

The Stakeholder Map helps identify and visualise the relevant stakeholders and their relationships, thereby facilitating a...
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MobiliseYourCity Partnership Support During the NUMP Process

How the MobiliseYourCity Partnership can support you     The MobiliseYourCity Partnership maintains a vibrant community of...
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EUROCLIMA+ Webinars: Gender

This tool includes a series of webinars held by Euroclima+ on several cross cutting topics in...
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10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport