SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis helps summarize and identify the most salient points identified during a previous assessment of the context of intervention. The SWOT then analyses and categorizes them into strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

This tool aims to support decision makers to identify barriers to implementation of measures (barrier analysis) and to subsequently design a package of supportive and organisational measures that allow to overcome these barriers and to smoothly coordinate the overall NUMP development and implementation process. (Although the tool has been developped for Nationally Apropriate Mitigation Actions – NAMA, it can be applied for NUMPs in the same way.)

Identification of barriers and supportive and organisational measures

Name of the Document: Instrument: Identification of barriers and supportive and organisational measures
Organization: GIZ
Number of Pages: 6
Language: English

Download here


Name of the Document: SWOT Analysis Example
Organization: GIZ
Number of Pages: 3
Language: English

Download here

10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport