MobiliseYourCity Partnership Support During the NUMP Process

How the MobiliseYourCity Partnership can support you    

The MobiliseYourCity Partnership maintains a vibrant community of practice for its national and local government partners to facilitate exchange between peers and the wider community about various topics. These can include NUMPs, sustainable urban mobility planning, aspects related to capacity development, and financial assistance. Furthermore, the Partnership provides targeted technical assistance to its partners in order to support them to develop, or substantially improve, a national urban mobility policy or investment programme. Currently, the MobiliseYourCity Partnership supports the development of National Programmes e.g. in Thailand, the Philippines, Chile, Colombia, Uruguay and Ecuador. For detailed information on how to join the MobiliseYourCity Partnership and access the community of practice, please access the website, or contact the MobiliseYourCity Partnership Secretariat

Document Type: Knowledge Product
Name of the Document: MobiliseYourCity Main Factsheet
Organisation: MobiliseYourCity
Year: 2018
Number of Pages: 4
Language: English

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10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport