
Stay up to date with the latest news on ambitions and actions related to zero emission transport!

Sustainable Transport Trends and the Challenge of Decarbonising E-mobility in Africa 

Bringing Regional Perspectives to Transport and Climate Change Week 2024

Minibuses play a central role in most African countries, hence it was important to discuss the conditions for electrifying minibus services at the Regional Exchange on Minibus Electrification. With unique challenges and experiences, proposals...

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Sustainable Transport Trends and the Challenge of Decarbonising E-mobility in Africa 

Minibuses play a central role in most African countries, hence it was important to discuss the...
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Opportunities and Challenges of Electrifying the Minibus Sector in Africa

The electrification of smaller capacity vehicles, such as 2- and 3-wheelers, as well as full-size buses,...
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Empowering Women in the Urban Transport Workforce

It is no secret that women are severely underrepresented in the mobility sector, comprising only 17%...
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Transforming Transport in Asia: Innovations and Insights for a Low-Carbon Future

Aiming to chart a sustainable path for transportation towards zero emissions by mid-century and ensuring climate...
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Amplifying Latin American Voices on Informal Transport 

The 7th edition of the Transport and Climate Change Week will take place from 4-8 November...
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Synergies between Climate Action and Industrial Policy: Towards Fuel Efficiency in Thailand

Although Thailand is a major vehicle producer in Southeast Asia, it is the only country that...
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Pioneering Progress: Unveiling the Draft National E-Mobility Policy in Kenya

As the world grapples with environmental challenges, embracing electric mobility has emerged as a crucial step...
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Sustainable Mobility in Morocco: The Kingdom Consolidates its Strategy to Decarbonise Land Transport

A look back at the high-level event held in Rabat on 30 April 2024 to celebrate...
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The Paths of Sustainable Mobility in Africa Lead to Cape Town

Every day, 1 billion people on the African continent walk to work, school, hospital or home...
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What is Mexico’s New Mobility Strategy about?

Last June a significant change occurred in mobility sector in Mexico. A new strategy in mobility...
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Safe Transition Towards Electric Buses in India

Promotion of Transformation to Sustainable and Climate-friendly Electric Mobility in India (E-mobility) implemented by GIZ and...
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Smart, Inclusive and Sustainable Public Transport: The Route for Reducing Emissions in Mexico

How to improve public transport in Mexico? Searching for new and better ways to transport is important...
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Sustainable Domestic Maritime Transport Roadmap in the Republic of the Marshall Islands

Roadmap Workshop Kick-Starts In Majuro Situated perilously close to the ocean, the Republic of the Marshall...
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Why Gender-Transformative Transport?

In the frame of our International Women’s Day 2024 campaign Today, we are well aware of...
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Driving Change: Innovating Urban Mobility in The Western Balkans

Addressing the Challenges of Sustainable Transportation Urban mobility capacity development in the Western Balkans is not...
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Film: Sustainable Maritime Transport in the Marshall Islands

A Vision is Turning into Reality The people of the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI)...
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Understanding Differences: Carbon Neutrality, Climate Neutrality and Net-zero Emissions

Examining the goals set by countries and the challenges associated with achieving them With approximately a...
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How India is Pushing its E-mobility Transition

India’s commitment to generate 500 GW of non-fossil fuel energy by 2030 and achieve net zero...
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A Successfull 2023 for Women on the Move

The WoM network has completed an eventful year The Mentorship Programme, which began as an online...
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Launching Ceremony for The Pacific Island Supply Vessel on Geoje Island

With the objective of unveiling an innovative sailing cargo ship developed through the collaborative efforts of...
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COP28 – The Dawn of a Post-Fossil Fuel Era

COP28 – the largest climate conference to date, with almost 97,000 registered participants – started with...
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Advancing E-mobility in Africa

The global transport sector, predominantly driven by fossil fuels, contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions—around 30%...
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16th UMI Conference Highlights in New Delhi

GIZ for the 5th consecutive time supported the UMI as a knowledge partner at the 16th...
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Unveiling Knowledge and Experience: E-mobility and Fuel Economy Development in China

China has set policies to shift from traditional to eco-friendly vehicles due to rising emissions. Multiple...
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In 2023, the 28th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the UNFCCC will...
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Connecting Women to Global Opportunities

Connections and networking are essential for the development of sustainable transport, especially when it comes to...
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Are Transport Planners Paying Enough Attention to Adaptation?

Transportation planners must urgently shift focus towards adaptation in the face of escalating climate crises. Recent...
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The +CargaRápida Programme in Chile: 14 New Fast Charging Stations to Boost Electromobility

Rancagua was the first of the 14 cities with this public infrastructure that allows fully charging...
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Walkway to Sustainable Mobility – Walk21 Conference in Kigali

Celebrating Champions of Walkability Once being called a place of no hope, Rwanda’s capital Kigali has...
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Africa’s Journey Towards Sustainable Mobility

In an era where the global consensus increasingly gravitates towards cleaner and more sustainable transport solutions,...
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Building a Global Network to Achieve Net-zero Transport

Moving towards net-zero requires cross-sectoral cooperation. The role of transport for people and goods affects several...
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Safer Routes to School Encourage Use of Sustainable Mobility

Every year, 1.35 million people die in entirely preventable traffic accidents, with children and young adults...
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Join a Network of Data and MRV Experts

Our experts from Colombia, Uganda, Indonesia, Thailand and the UNFCCC are expirienced with the practical challenges...
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Sustainable Mobility with Renewable Energies in Morocco

Transportation plays a pivotal role in shaping societies worldwide, facilitating connections among people, and fostering economic...
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Do Net Zero Targets Drive Ambitious Climate Action in the Transport Sector?

A growing number of economy-wide net zero targets have been announced in recent years. Together they...
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Free online course Transport Data: From MRV to Action

“Transport Data: From MRV to Action” is an innovative and entertaining online course about the Measurement,...
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Delivering Peer Networks for Sustainable Mobility

From the 11th to the 15th of September, the 6th edition of the Transport Week took...
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Empowering Change

China, as one of the prominent rising economies in Asia, faces many challenges in its process...
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What is happening on Sustainable Transport at the Africa Climate Summit & Africa Climate Week 2023?

The upcoming Africa Climate Summit 2023 is set to be a decisive gathering that will take...
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Capacity Building to Advance Electromobility in Chile

Celebrating a momentous achievement, the Metropolitan Region of Santiago recently welcomed its 2,000th electric bus into...
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Transforming Africa’s transport sector through networking: a catalyst for progress

GIZ is currently running a call for a first “Rethinking Transport Lab”, an exciting initiative designed...
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Know Better to Fight Better: Assessing Land Transport Emissions in Morocco

Emissions from the transport sector are a major challenge for Morocco, as they are for many...
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Striving for Opportunity in the Transport Sector

The growing transport sector unfolds new working opportunities for women from various fields. At Changing Transport...
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Revised NDC Action Plan: Thailand Steps up Transport Efforts

A new challenge emerges: Heatwaves, flooded streets, and congestion have already become a reality in Thailand....
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In Step with Jane’s Walk

Jane’s Walk is an international event which celebrates active mobility and the exploration of urban spaces....
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Viet Nams First Technical Guideline for Bicycle Infrastructure Design in Urban Areas

In the past, cycling was a primary mode of transport and common throughout cities in Viet...
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Changing Tracks in Africa 

The blog "Changing Tracks in Africa" highlights the need to involve the African continent in the...
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Indian Delegation Visit to Germany for Knowledge Exchange on Freight and Logistics

A boost for the Indian logistics ecosystem With the launch of National Logistics Policy of India...
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Keel Laying Ceremony for the Pacific Island Supply Vessel

The development of an innovative sailing cargo vessel has provided a comprehensive insight into maritime transport...
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Ambitious Climate Action Needs Better Transport Data

With a prototype database up and running to demonstrate the vision, an effective organisational structure and...
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Transforming Public Transport Through Electrification in Colombia

Colombia has been a leader in sustainable transport in Latin America for many years. Already in...
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Building the Road to Safer and Enjoyable Cities

Approximately over 1.3 million people are dying due to road accidents globally, with the majority of...
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Pathing the Way for the Thai Clean Mobility Programme

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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Enhancing Transparency for NDCs in Asia: Technical Training by UNFCCC Secretariat and GIZ

Fathimath Raufa Moosa is Monitoring and Evaluation Officer at the Ministry of Environment and Energy of...
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5 Lessons from China, India, Vietnam on Decarbonising Transport and Accelerating Climate Action

The momentum towards low-carbon and sustainable transport is growing globally, but the sector still lags behind...
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Initiating Action Towards an Inclusive Transportation System in India

Her awareness of the needs of various groups of people inspired her to come up with...
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Challenging the Status Quo

Women on the Move held the first virtual meeting called “Mentorship Check-in with Safetipin” on 3...
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March of Women at Changing Transport

Thank you for being part of the IWD23 campaign! The International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated...
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Experiencing Gender Bias at Her Workplace

The issue of whether women have received equal treatment wherever they are is still present as...
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Advocating for Better Transportation in the Philippines

As women in transport, we have to bring each other up and encourage other women to...
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Why Urban Mobility and Gender?

To achieve sustainable mobility, we must integrate the experiences and realities of the half of the...
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Creating a Transport System that Serves the Needs of All

Published on 8 March 2023 In the frame of the International Women’s Day 2023, one of...
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Remarkable Feminist Voices in Transport 2023

Exceptional women working in the transport sector are not rare, but beardly have a seat at...
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MobiliseYourCity: Overview SUMP Training Materials

General Information To scale and facilitate the capacity-building process, MobiliseYourCity developed a full overview of training...
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The Many Benefits of Including Women in the Field of Transport

In a special interview in the frame of the International Women’s Day (IWD) 2023, Kawtar shared...
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Drawing Lessons from Developing the First SUMP in Chile

The integration of transport planning methods. Since October 2018, as part of the EUROCLIMA+ programme, GIZ...
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“Creating a sectoral carbon budget makes climate action tangible

…Putting people in the center makes it approachable” This is how GIZ colleague Andrea Palma put...
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Changing Transport Insights – a Webinar Series

In digestible 45-minute deep-dive sessions, GIZ’s international cooperation experts present their work on transport decarbonisation in...
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A Fitness Regimen for the Planet

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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Successful charging infrastructure roll-out – study tour findings

During their study tours, two delegations – from the Ministry of Transport of Viet Nam (MOT),...
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Together for Implementation on Nov 17 at COP27

On November 17, 2022, it is Solutions Day at the climate conference COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh,...
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Study tour impressions: Cycling cities – an option for India?

While the benefits of cycling are widely acknowledged, from decreased congestion and improved air quality to...
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Messages from Dakar – What Africa’s Transport Community is bringing to COP27

From 6 to 18 November the global community is convening at the COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh,...
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COP27 under the UNFCCC will be held between November 6 and November 18, 2022. As in...
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The Measure of All Things “GHG” in the Dominican Republic

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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Moving Transport to Net Zero

What is necessary to reach net zero emissions in the transport sector on a global level?...
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Principles for Preparing City Logistics Plans

This article is part of a three-part article series which aims to provide an over-view on...
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Still alive? An update on the COP26 initiatives for transport decarbonisation

One year ago, the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow became the birthplace of four new global...
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Transport Data Commons Initiative: We won 2nd place!

In its seventh round, the German Mobility Prize (Deutscher Mobilitätspreis, DMP) announced the winner of the...
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NUMPs guiding living mobility ecosystems in Latin-America

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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What it Takes to Build a “NUMP” – the Story of Uruguay

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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From a Functional to a Livable City – the Story of Ecuador

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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Women on the Move – Asia Mentorship Programme

As women continue to be underrepresented in the transport industry, it is vital to foster those...
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Lessons Learned on How to Transition to Zero-Emission Transport in India 

In India, the NDC Transport Initiative for Asia (NDC-TIA) is coordinated by the National Institution for Transforming India...
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Mobility for All in Guatemala

Traditionally, family roles are highly genderized; therefore, women mostly fulfil household and care activities. This implies...
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How to Plan on a Metropolitan Scale – the Story of Mexico

In 2018, the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area (AMG) started with an ambitious goal: to improve mobility planning...
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Together, we change transport: BMWK hosts partners from Viet Nam and India 

Transforming transport is key to achieving net zero emissions goals and limiting global warming to 1.5°C....
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The Future of Thailand’s Sustainable Clean Mobility

BANGKOK, 26 September 2022 – the Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning (OTP), together with...
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Boosting Logistics Performance in India

India now has a National Logistics Policy (NLP). It was launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister Sh....
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Strengthening Conditions for the Implementation of E-mobility in Chile

Ambitious targets to transform transport In its NDC, Chile set targets of a 30% reduction in...
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Cycling Against All Odds in Costa Rica

This article is part of our #StoriesofChange where we profile the work of our partner countries...
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Lessons Learned on Increasing Transport Mitigation Ambition in China

In China, the NDC Transport Initiative for Asia (NDC-TIA) are working with seven partner organisations to...
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Viet Nam Accelerates Plans to Phase Out Fossil Fuel Vehicles by 2050

On the 22nd of July 2022, Deputy Prime Minister Le Van Thanh signed an approval of...
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GIZ’s Report Launch on EV Charging Infrastructure and its Grid Integration

GIZ with IIT Bombay is organizing the e-launch of the third report “Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure...
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Way Forward on Decarbonising Urban Mobility in South-East Europe

Countries in South-East Europe face obstacles when moving towards with sustainable mobility practices and overall decarbonization...
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How to apply the LEAP software in the transport sector

Tutorial This tutorial provides guidance on how to use the Low Emissions Analysis Platform (LEAP) to...
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More Women at Transmilenio’s Wheel. Why is it so Important?

Daisy Leonor Jaime’s driver’s license certifies her as a brave woman. She has been driving buses...
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Promoting Efficient Mobility and Transport Planning in Argentinean Cities

In its second NDC from 2020 to 2025, the government of Argentina has increased its climate...
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10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport