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Delivering Change – International Cooperation for Decarbonising Freight Transport 

How can we unlock the mitigation potential of freight transportation? In this edition of our ‘stories...
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Reducing Peru’s Freight Emissions

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Launch of Practitioner Toolkits for Action on Low Carbon Transport

Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically...
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Train the Trainer Materials

Training of driving instructors and in-company multiplicators is crucial for any programmatic effort to reach a...
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Web-Based Training of Truck Drivers

Online ecodriving courses are often used to show both new and experienced drivers how to safely...
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Status Quo Analysis for Green Freight Programmes

ICCT’s blueprint for performing a “Freight Assessment” is a practical guide for evaluating a country’s freight...
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Impact Assessment Methodology

This manual by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) offers guidance and a specific Excel-based calculation tool...
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10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport