Rethinking Transport

Connecting Minds for African Solutions

Rethinking Transport supports the development of positions and strategies for the sustainable transformation of the transport sector on the African continent. Through workshops, development labs and a fellowship programme, the project will bring together stakeholders from academia, civil society and the private sector and facilitate an exchange on the most pressing issues surrounding sustainable mobility in Africa.

Rethinking Transport is a GIZ self-initiated project. It is funded by GIZ’s own resources and implemented by GIZ in cooperation with the German think tank Agora Verkehrswende.

The activities planned under the project will support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as the Paris Agreement on climate change.

The project works on two levels:

Personal exchange & networking for professional development
The project, which is particularly aimed at young professionals, will feature interactive workshops and seminars on sustainable mobility and will also host a multi-week fellowship programme in Germany. It facilitates an in-depth examination of issues related to the transformation of transport internationally and on the African continent and encourages the development of visions for change and associated solutions.

Supporting existing and developing organisations and think tanks on sustainable mobility on the continent
The project aims to engage with civil society organisations, universities and existing think tanks to support the development of positions and strategies for sustainable transport development. To this end, virtual exchange formats will be offered and individual professional study projects will be supported. The project furnishes a robust basis for meaningful exchange on important sustainability issues.


Find more information about our upcomining activities here.

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Vous êtes francophone ? Retrouvez nos informations sur le projet ici.

Project Information

Ongoing Regional

Contact: Daniel Bongardt,

Countries: African countries

Duration: 02/2023 – 12/2025

Funder: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH


Further Links:

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Portrait image of Daniel Bongardt

Daniel Bongardt

Coordinator 'Team Infrastructure and Mobility'
Germany, Bonn

Portrait image of Carina Bengsch

Carina Bengsch

Specialist Communication & Events
Germany, Bonn

Portrait image of Farshad Rahimi

Farshad Rahimi

Office Manager
Germany, Bonn

Portrait image of Stacy Ogembo

Stacy Ogembo

Germany, Bonn

Portrait image of Verena Knöll

Verena Knöll

Advisor Transport and Climate Change
Kenya, Nairobi