Mobilize Net-Zero: Facilitating the Global Transport Transformation

Strengthening international partnerships for decarbonising transport

In order to achieve the climate goals of the Paris Agreement, it is essential to reduce transport emissions to zero. This will require a major shift in the transport sector in every country around the world.

Mobilize Net-Zero supports governments in their commitment to decarbonise transport through building international partnerships. By facilitating knowledge exchange and peer learning as well as by raising awareness among policy makers, the project aims to accelerate the transition towards sustainable transport systems. 

To achieve this, the project will explore opportunities to forge partnerships with leading countries that have made significant progress in decarbonising their transport sectors. These partnerships will serve as a platform for sharing knowledge, experiences, and best practices. Through this collaborative effort, policy makers will have access to valuable insights and resources to inform their decision-making processes. 

The project is funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). 

The project activities include: 

1. Transport and Climate Change Week 

The project organizes the annual Transport and Climate Change Week, which serves as an exchange platform for international peer learning. During this event, stakeholders from various countries gather in Berlin to share experiences, discuss challenges, and identify innovative solutions to accelerate the decarbonisation of transport.  

2. Transport Transformation Tracker 

The project includes the development of a web tool. It utilises artificial intelligence to provide up-to-date information on the progress of transforming transport on a global scale. This tool will serve as a valuable resource for policy makers, researchers, and stakeholders, providing data-driven insights and analysis to support informed decision-making. 

3. Flagship Project Africa 

A lighthouse project focusing on paratransit is being prepared by our partners in Rwanda. This project aims to showcase innovative approaches to decarbonising transport through electrification of the public and informal transport sector. The knowledge generated from this project will be disseminated, promoting sustainable practices and encouraging replication in other regions.

4. Transport Data Commons Initiative 

The project supports the Transport Data Commons, a initiative of individuals and organizations who are passionate about sustainable transportation and want to increase the use and impact of data in this sector. The initiatives’s focus is on creating a common platform where transport-related data can be shared, analysed, and utilised to help make informed decisions and create sustainable transportation solutions.

Through collaboration and open sharing of data, the aim is to foster innovation and drive positive change in the transportation industry.


Project Information

Contact: Daniel Bongardt, 

Countries: Rwanda, Uruguay, Paraguay, Panama

Duration: 11/2022 – 12/2025 

Status: ongoing

Funder: International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

Implementation: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Implementing Partner: Agora Verkehrswende

Political Partner: Ministry of Infrastructure (MININFRA), Rwanda

Further Links:

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Portrait image of Daniel Bongardt

Daniel Bongardt

Coordinator 'Team Infrastructure and Mobility'
Germany, Bonn

Portrait image of Andrea Palma

Andrea Palma

Technical Advisor
Chile, Santiago

Portrait image of François Zirikana

François Zirikana

Technical Advisor
Rwanda, Kigali

Portrait image of Hannah Eberhardt

Hannah Eberhardt

Junior Communications Specialist
Germany, Bonn

Portrait image of Julian Kath

Julian Kath

Junior Data Specialist
Germany, Bonn

Portrait image of Marleen Spellenberg

Marleen Spellenberg

Junior Specialist
Germany, Bonn

Portrait image of Mateo Gomez

Mateo Gomez

Project and Component Lead
Rwanda, Kigali

Portrait image of Nicolas Becker

Nicolas Becker

Student Assistant
Germany, Bonn

Portrait image of Rabea Schmecht

Rabea Schmecht

Advisor Transport and Climate Change
Germany, Bonn

Portrait image of Tim-Sören Hohmann

Tim-Sören Hohmann

Climate Policy Expert
Germany, Bonn

Portrait image of Valerie Katthagen

Valerie Katthagen

Communications Specialist
Germany, Bonn

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