Climate Change

In the context of climate change, our focus is on addressing key elements that are central to tackling this global challenge. A key area is the urgent need for decarbonisation efforts, including the pursuit of net zero targets to effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transport. To gain deeper insights, we are analysing various national climate plans and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). We also recognise the critical role of data collection and the implementation of robust measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) systems to accurately track progress and inform effective climate action.

Our expertise extends to advising on mitigation measures that prioritise reducing travel distances (AVOID), promoting the adoption of efficient transport modes (SHIFT), improving fuel efficiency and facilitating the transition to electrification (IMPROVE). Ensuring the availability of climate finance to support the development and deployment of low-carbon transport systems is critical to the successful implementation of these measures. We also recognise the importance of addressing the resilience of transport infrastructure to deal effectively with the impacts of climate change.

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