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Do Net Zero Targets Drive Ambitious Climate Action in the Transport Sector?

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Why Urban Mobility and Gender?

To achieve sustainable mobility, we must integrate the experiences and realities of the half of the...
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Avoid and shift – Achieving various sustainability benefits with active modes and transit

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Common Challenges Require Joint Solutions

Will we succeed in decarbonising transport until mid-century? This was the key question at Transport and...
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The First Version of the International Electromobility Course for Latin America Comes to an End

Latin America has shown a solid commitment to electromobility. Significant electric fleets are now operating in...
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Series of Technical Peer-to-Peer Exchanges in Latin America concludes.

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Building Capacities for Electromobility: International Course for Latin America

GIZ launched the new International Course on Electromobility
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10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport