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4 September 2023

Accelerating the Decarbonisation of Transport in Asia and the Pacific

Event Report

Over the last few years, GIZ has supported several countries and the regional discourse on pathways to decarbonise transport through the NDC Transport Initiative for Asia, e.g. through the collaboration with Vietnam’s Ministry of Transport, strengthening their national transport decarbonisation strategies and creating a regional council of advocates (Council for Decarbonising Transport in Asia). ESCAP adopted a Regional Action Programme for Sustainable Transport Development in Asia and the Pacific (2022–2026), which recognises low carbon transport as of one its objectives and as a result, it includes regular subregional meetings and capacity building workshops to mobilise transport ministries and key stakeholders in the Asia Pacific region to engage in the transport and climate change policy process.

As part of those regional activities, a side event at the in Bangkok was co-hosted by the Government of Vietnam, GIZ and ESCAP on 18 May 2023. The aim of the side event was to allow countries to share their national transport decarbonisation strategies and discuss regional cooperation mechanisms to achieve net zero carbon transport.

This brief note summarises the key observations and shares ideas on how to accelerate decarbonising transport action through regional cooperation.


Pages: 7 Pages
Language: English
    Authors (alphabetical order):
  • Holger Dalkmann
  • Marion Vieweg
  • Sonal Shah
  • Urda Eichhorst
  • Wei-Shiuen Ng