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Construction of metros, sky trains, intercity railway connections, electric vehicle promotion and emission based excise taxes – there is little doubt that transport continues to enjoy high investment and policy priority in Thailand.  And this is urgently needed. Especially the road transportation sector accounts for a significant share of Thailand’s consumer and government spending as well as congestion and pollution. Freight and passenger transport currently emit 60 MtCO2 annually.

Thailand has committed to reduce its GHG emissions in 2030 by 20% compared to the business-as-usual. 41 MtCO2 reduction will come from the transport sector. The regional GIZ ASEAN projectEnergy Efficiency and Climate Change Mitigation for the Land Transport Sector of the ASEAN Region” is working closely with the Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning (OTP) to improve fuel efficiency of passenger vehicles through eco-labelling and CO2 taxation.

Since 2017, the GIZ TRANSfer project supports OTP to develop ambitious mitigation actions in the road transport sector in Bangkok and secondary cities in Thailand through the development of a National Urban Mobility Investment Programme (NUMP).

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