The MobiliseYourCity Partnership

Since being launched in December 2015 at COP21, the MobiliseYourCity Partnership has become the leading global Partnership for sustainable urban mobility planning, policy development, and increasing investment for sustainable transport in developing and emerging economies.

MobiliseYourCity’s Implementing Partners are the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), which are working with cities and countries across the world to develop scalable solutions to improve mobility in complex environments.

Today, the Partnership has 70 member cities with a combined population of over 126 million people in 32 countries. Thanks to the generous contributions of the European Union (EU), the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), the French Ministry for the Ecological Transition (MTE), the German Federal Ministry for economic cooperation and development (BMZ), the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety, and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and the French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM), as of February 2023, the Partnership has raised over 40 million euros in grants to support about half of its member cities and countries, which has already mobilised additional loans for concrete sustainable urban mobility projects. With this investment, MobiliseYourCity expects an additional 9 million people to have access to public transportation services.

The Partnership was founded by Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l’Energie (ADEME), Agence Française de Développement (AFD), Coopération pour le Développement et l’Amélioration des Transport Urbains et Périurbains (CODATU), Centre d’études et d’expertise sur les risques, l’environnement, la mobilité et l’aménagement (Cerema) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. MobiliseYourCity is an international transport initiative under the UN Marrakesh Partnership for Global Climate Action and a member of the SuM4All Consortium.

How MobiliseYourCity supports cities and countries through four main service areas:

  • Mobility planning – MobiliseYourCity supports implementation and investment-ready plans for inclusive and low-carbon transport
  • Capacity development – MobiliseYourCity equips practitioners with tested and scalable solutions
  • Advocacy & Outreach – MobiliseYourCity encourages institutions and individuals to embrace and resource sustainable mobility
  • Implementation support – MobiliseYourCity empowers members to bridge planning with implementation for green and just mobility

Project Information

Ongoing Global


Countries: 15

Cities: 70


  • European Commission’s Directorate-General for International Partnerships (INTPA)
  • German Federal Ministry for economic cooperation and development (BMZ)
  • German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
  • French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM)
  • French Ministry of Ecological Transition (MTE)


  • Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
  • Asian Development Bank (ADB)
  • The French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME)
  • French Centre for Studies and Expertise on Risks, Environment, Mobility, and Urban and Country Planning (CEREMA)
  • Cooperation for urban mobility in the developing world (CODATU)
  • European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  • German Development Bank (KfW)
  • Wuppertal Institut (German Centre for Studies and Expertise on Environment and Urban, and Mobility Planning)

Knowledge and Network Partners:

Collaboration Partners: 

Further Links:

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Portrait image of Anne Patricia Mariano

Anne Patricia Mariano

Project Component Lead
Philippines, Manila

Portrait image of Mateo Gomez

Mateo Gomez

Project and Component Lead
Rwanda, Kigali

Portrait image of Sasank Vemuri

Sasank Vemuri

Belgium, Brussels