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In Peru, the transportation sector accounts for approximately 12 % of greenhouse gas emissions. The potential for reduction in public transport is huge. 80 % of Peruvians live in cities and 70 % of urban trips are made by public transport. At the same time, public transport has lost passengers during the COVID pandemic and is facing competition from the increasing number of private vehicles.

In 2018, Peru’s Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) published the National Urban Transport Policy (PNTU), which prioritizes the user and promotes integrated transport systems. In addition, in 2019, the MTC’s National Sustainable Urban Transport Program (PROMOVILIDAD) was created to promote modern public transport in Peru’s cities.

However, the challenges are great given that, for a long time, the development of public mass and non-motorized transport has not been a priority. In addition to environmental pollution, public transport in Peru’s cities today is characterized by excessive travel times, high costs, an aging fleet and small vehicle fleet size, a high degree of informality, traffic accidents, limited accessibility for women and vulnerable social groups, among other problems that remain to be addressed.


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