The Path to Zero: A Vision for Decarbonised Transport in Asia

Overcoming Blind Spots and Enabling Change

To achieve the goal of zero-carbon transport by mid-century, the Council for Decarbonising Transport in Asia developed six foundational principles, six enablers for change and six strategies to address the key blind spots which they have identified in the sector.

The report stresses the urgency to act and recommends a variety of immediate and long-term actions to be implemented by governments, businesses and society. The authors depict the current and the desired situation and elaborate on trends, posing opportunities and obstacles for the transformation of the transport sector. The report is structured into the following chapters:

  • Why now is the moment for action
  • Imagining the future – where we want to end up
  • Where we are today
  • What will influence future developements
  • What is needed to get to zero-carbon transport
  • What is holding back action
  • Enabling transformation

The report aims to advocate the vision of zero-carbon transport by mid-century and support decision makers on their journey of change. Find more information about its content and the authors here.

  • Find the Chinese version of the report here.
  • Find the Indonesian version of the non-technical summary here.
  • Find the Vietnamese version of the report here.
  • Find the Thai version of the report here.

The NDC Transport Initiative for Asia (NDC TIA) programme is funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV).


Language: English
    Authors (alphabetical order):
  • Council for Decarbonising Transport in Asia

10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport