Promotion of Electric Mobility in Kenya

Kenya’s transport sector is developing dynamically. While the majority of trips in urban areas are still made on foot or by bicycle, car and motorcycle ownership is increasing rapidly. A privatised public transport system of minibuses, called matatus, serves Kenya’s cities and inter-city links. Electric mobility is a priority mitigation measure for the Ministry of Transport.  

Funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) the Promotion of Electric Mobility on Kenya project focusses on strengthening competencies and capacities for an enabling framework and market development for enhanced electric mobility uptake on Kenya.

The project has four areas of focus 

  • Policy, Regulations and standard; Seeks to enhance the development of regulatory frameworks and instruments necessary for the creation of an enabling environment to enhance uptake, development, and growth of the emobility sub sector in Kenya.  
  • Institutional capacity & technical expertise; Seeks to strengthen the TVET institutional capacities for EV technicians to ensure the smooth operation, maintenance and repair of electric mobility applications is developed for key emobility actors in terms of training, knowledge sharing and stakeholder coordination of electric mobility sector. 
  • Support of Piloting activities and Result dissemination; seeks to pilot emobility use and charging cases and promote cross learning of identified key challenges and opportunities including testing on applicable business models for private sector development in electric mobility.  
  • Support of implementation of the electric Bus Rapid Transportation (E-BRT) System in Nairobi. Economic and environmental benefits of Clean BRT and electric buses at large are understood and acknowledged by the population. 

Project Information

Ongoing Bilateral

Contact: Michael Schuster,

Countries: Kenya

Duration: 2023 – 2026


  • German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
  • European Union (EU)

Implementation: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH  

Implementing Partners:


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Portrait image of Carol Mutiso

Carol Mutiso

Transport and Infrastructure Advisor
Kenya, Nairobi

Portrait image of Herman Kwoba

Herman Kwoba

Project Officer
Kenya, Nairobi

Portrait image of Jemimah Muli

Jemimah Muli

Technical and Policy Advisor
Kenya, Nairobi

Portrait image of Pius Musyimi Wathome

Pius Musyimi Wathome

Advisor Electric Mobility
Kenya, Nairobi

Portrait image of Robert Njoroge

Robert Njoroge

Technical Advisor
Kenya, Nairobi

Portrait image of Verena Knöll

Verena Knöll

Advisor Transport and Climate Change
Kenya, Nairobi