19 September 2023

Free Online Course Transport Data: From MRV to Action

MRV for NDC transport measures course

Transport Data: From MRV to Action” is an innovative and entertaining online course about the Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the transport sector. The course empowers participants to design and implement MRV systems for transport sector. It also imparts knowledge on data collection and transparency, and the importance of MRV systems for Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Packed with a wealth of information, our self-paced online course can be completed according to your individual schedule.

Why should you take this course?

Gaining knowledge and enhancing skills for your profession is critical and a hard job – attending trainings require time, you must follow a strict schedule and the work emails are piling up in parallel. The exchange with peers about similar challenges and learn from their solutions is crucial, but due to time zone differences and other obligations it becomes hardly possible. So, what is crucial to build a global community of experts? 

Especially as urgent scale up of NDCs and implementation of a robust MRV system in this critical decade is needed to keep global warming below 1.5 Celsius degrees. 

Building upon long-standing experience and collaboration with UNFCCC

Therefore, the changing-transport team created a free online course on MRV for Transport, also called “Transport Data: From MRV to Action”. Building upon our experience from several in-person and online trainings on MRV in Africa, Asia and Latin America since 2017, we created this self-paced course for those who are new to the job in implementing the NDC measures in transport, but also for those how are technical advanced and want to re-fresh their knowledge on international requirements and want learn from their peers in over 14 case studies and 6 lectures from our network and partner countries. You can check out the online course playlist here.  

Who is this course for?

The course is designed for government officials working in transport or climate policy, including in particular individuals concerned with emissions reporting. However, the course is also available to all interested parties. Whether you’re an environmental enthusiast, a sustainability professional, a transportation planner, a government official, a student, or simply curious about the impact of transport on climate change, this course is for you!

What will you learn?

While working through the modules, you will

  • learn about the causes of climate change and gain insight into the estimation and calculation of greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector;
  • explore the history and development of international climate talks, including MRV, Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs);
  • and become acquainted with the most important data needs for estimating emission mitigation measures and how to develop baseline scenarios.

Completing this course will empower you to calculate GHG emissions and prioritise policy measures for decarbonising transport systems. The course is approved by the UNFCCC and the certificate will help you to demonstrate your skills within and outside of your organisation.  

And learners are not alone: the two fictional characters Ms. Taraji Noor, a senior transport expert, and Mr. Tuan Đặng, Ministry of Transport Official, supporting through the course, highlighting important information and guide through the exercises and games. With passing the final exam learners can get a certificate in the end of the course.

Meet the experts

In the first roll-out of the  online course, we gave the opportunity to meet the course instructors in a live online event. Read more about it here.

Be part of the learning community

The online course is on atingi, a free learning platform financed by the German ministry for Deveelopment Cooperation.  Discover more about the online course here. For more  information download the course flyer here, and a content overview and course calender here. The course calendar can be used to schedule your e-learning.

You can find more tools and guidance in the Transparency Toolkit and additional information below:

©GIZ/Armin Wagner

Kirsten Orschulok