Meet & Greet with Gemma Burhanudin on Bus Rapid Transit and Mitigation in Indonesia 

16 August 2023

Time: 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM (UTC+2)
Location: MS Teams

In the first roll-out of the online course, you will have the opportunity to meet your course instructors in a live online event.

Language(s): EN

Organised by:
GIZ Transport Cluster

During the third Meet & Greet we will learn more about the implementation of a robust MRV system for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Indonesian cities. The Indonesian Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Development Project (INDOBUS) is an element of the Sustainable Urban Transport Programme Indonesia (SUTRI NAMA), which provides technical advice to national and city authorities on the development and implementation of measures in five pilot cities: Pekanbaru, Batam, Bandung, Semarang and Makassar. The MRV system is tailor-made for the project and adheres to international standards.  

We look forward to welcoming Gistya Gemma Rahayu Soelaeman Burhanudin, expert for MRV in BRT projects.

Get to know more about the case study from Indonesia here and here. Read more about the INDOBUS Project here and here.

Find more about the online course "Transport Data: From MRV to Action" here.


  • Gemma Burhanudin, GIZ Indonesia

Gemma Burhanudin is an advisor for Sustainable Urban Transport Programme Indonesia – Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (SUTRI NAMA) and the Indonesian Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Development Project (INDOBUS) programme implemented by GIZ Indonesia. She is responsible for urban transport policy and its profound impact on climate change. She plays a key role in the programme’s effort to calculate the potential emission reduction from the proposed Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) plan in the programme’s five pilot cities. In addition, she led the development of BRT Indonesia GHG Emissions Calculator, a tool produced by the programme to calculate GHG emission reduction from BRT implementation using a standardised methodology and data from the pilot cities.


  • Daniel Bongardt, GIZ