New Online Course “Transport Data: from MRV to Action”

3 July - 30 August 2023

Time: all-day (UTC+2)
Location: Online on atingi

The new online course launches on 3 July and will be online from that day onwards. In this online course, Changing Transport will introduce you to the Measurement-Reporting-Verification (MRV) concept and demonstrate how the measuring and reporting of emissions works on a practical level.

Language(s): EN

Organised by:

Global warming is driven by the man-made release of CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gases. And nearly one-quarter of the world’s CO2 emissions come from transport. To keep global warming below 1.5°C, governments need to take action on different levels: 

  • Take stock of the status quo of emissions and global warming; 
  • define abatement targets and associated measures for attaining them; 
  • monitor the progress achieved. 

All of these measures depend on a robust Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system. In this online course, Changing Transport will introduce you to the MRV concept and demonstrate how the measuring and reporting of emissions works on a practical level.

Who is this course for? 

The course is designed for NGO employees and government officials working in transport or climate policy, including in particular individuals concerned with emissions reporting. However, the course is also available to all interested parties. 

What will you learn? 

You will be guided by two fictional characters, Ms. Taraji Noor, a senior transport expert, and Mr. Tuan Đặng, Ministry of Transport Official, through the three self-paced modules:

Modul 1: Introduction to Transport and Climate Change
Modul 2: Basic Approaches for Calculating Transport Emissions
Modul 3: Mitigation and Modeling Emissions

While working through the modules, you will  

  • learn about the causes of climate change and gain insight into the estimation and calculation of greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector;
  • explore the history and development of international climate talks, including current climate targets and related policy measures; and
  • become acquainted with the most important data needs for estimating emission mitigation measures and how to develop baseline scenarios.

Completing this course will empower you to calculate GHG emission levels and prioritise policy measures for decarbonising transport systems.

Discover more about the online course here.

Download the course flyer here, and a content overview and course calender here. The course calendar can be used to schedule your e-learning.

Meet & Greets

To accompany the launch of the course, we have organised four Meet & Greets, which will support the learning process. In 45-minute sessions, we will chat with the contributing experts about their field of knowledge and lecture topic. Participants will have the chance to pose questions and receive help with the practical challenges that arise when setting up a robust Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system for the transport sector.

We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to interact directly with your course instructors. The Meet & Greet dates are as follows:

  1. 19 July 2023 | Meet & Greet with Dr. Mónica Espinosa (Hill Consulting) on MRV for the E-Bus Project and Colombia’s NDC
    • Find the presentation here.
    • Find the recording of our session here.
  2. 2 August 2023 | Meet & Greet with Grace Mukunzi (MEIR Research & Engineering) on Data Collection in Uganda
    • Find the presentation here.
    • Find the recording of our session here.
  3. 16 August 2023 | Meet & Greet with Gemma Burhanudin (GIZ Indonesia) on Bus Rapid Transit and Mitigation in Indonesia
    • Find the recording of our session here.
  4. 30 August 2023 | Meet & Greet with Papondhanai Nanthachatchavankul (GIZ Thailand) and Marlan Pillay (UNFCCC) on the Role of MRV for NDCs in Transport
    • Find the recording of our session here.

Further information about MRV on Changing Transport

Featured information about MRV

10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport