Transport and Climate Change Week 2022

Connecting the transport community globally, regionally and nationally

The 5th edition of the annual Transport and Climate Change Week was an opportunity to “travel around the world”, starting with the Africa Conference Day, including Conference Days in Asia and Latin America and wrapped up with a spotlight on South-East Europe on Friday. A hybrid conference in Berlin took up the results of regional hubs and connected participants worldwide. For one week (May 9-13), GIZ Transport brought together about 1,500 experts and decision-makers from around the world to foster knowledge, sharing and networking through peer-to-peer exchange and specialised workshops.

The aim of the Transport and Climate Change Week is to learn from each other and to connect transport experts to foster global decarbonisation in transport. By building capacities and establishing meaningful relations we strengthen the foundation of development cooperation.

Travelling around the world in a hybrid format in 2022

Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, we revived the spirit of the Transport and Climate Change Week through a hybrid format. That is why we had both on-site and live stream programme where we exchanged and developed future solutions all together. Online participants were able to “travel around the world” to the regional conferences in Africa, Asia, Latin America and South-East Europe.

Online programme of the Transport and Climate Change Week 2022

The respective region was the centre of discussions on the specific day. It didn’t matter where you were in the world – online participants could follow each session in the global stream, contribute ideas and ask questions.

One conference day, broadcasted from the Berlin studio, connected the results of the regional events and fostered cross-continental discussions.

On-site participants at the Berlin Conference Day ©GIZ/ThomasEcke

Transport and Climate Change Week 2022 on demand

Recordings of almost all sessions are accessible through the Programme on and available on the Changing Transport YouTube Channel. Find more impressions of the week on Flickr!

Feel free to get in touch with feedback or questions to us:

In further articles you can get more insights from different regions that have discussed various topics during Transport and Climate Change Week 2022.

Mark you calendars: The next Transport and Climate Change Week will take place in September 2023.

The Transport and Climate Change Week was organised for the 5th time and is funded through the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV). It involves partners of GIZ and other implementing organisations and is organised by the Changing Transport Team of GIZ.

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