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29 June 2020

Data Collection Templates for Climate Change Reporting in Kenya

This data collection template was developed to support transport officials in Kenya in amalgamating inputs to the greenhouse gas inventory, as well as data on progress in the implementation of mitigation actions from transport sub-sectors to support national (Climate Change Act) and international (UNFCCC) climate change reporting. It allows for collation, quality control and data logging.

While developed specifically for Kenyan counterparts, the templates are open and can be easily applied and/or adapted for use in other countries.

The data collection template offers the possibility to input top-down as well as bottom-up data. For top-down data, two main types of activity data have to be inputted: Activity data (fuel consumption) and sub-sector proportion. The numbers calculated for net fuel consumption can be inputted straight into the IPCC Inventory Software.

For the bottom-up inventory, three main types of activity data have to be filled in: Vehicle specifications, vehicle stock and average vehicle kilometres travelled.  The input data will be transferred to the output data section where it can be transferred simply over to the TrIGGER tool for GHG emission calculation.

The data collection template also allows for reporting of mitigation actions. It answers to several requirements: 1) those established under the modalities, procedures and guidelines (MPGs) for the transparency framework for action and support referred to in Article 13 of the Paris Agreement; 2) the common tabular format (CTF) stipulated by the UNFCCC for the reporting of progress in achieving quantified economy-wide emission reduction targets by Annex I Parties to the UNFCCC; and 3) the requirements for the reporting of information on financial support received by developing country parties under Article 9 of the Paris Agreement and 4) the reporting of progress for Kenya’s National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP).

The template was developed by Ricardo Energy & Environment.

A tutorial on how to use the template is available here.


Language: English
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