Ly Tuyet Dang

Position: Project Component Lead
Location: Vietnam, Hanoi

Joining the NDC-TIA project in 2019 as Viet Nam Component Lead, I am currently supporting the Vietnamese Ministry of Transport in strengthening the policy framework to promote low carbon development and GHG emission reduction in the transport sector, contributing to implement NDC of Viet Nam. At the same time, I am also a Project Officer for the VN- SIPA project where I am responsible for the transport and climate finance component. Prior to this, I worked as a Project Officer for the TraCS project where I supported the government in developing an GHG emission inventory and mitigation actions in the transport sector as a basic principle for climate change policies issue. As an expert in the energy and transport sector, I am passionate about designing transport and climate change strategies which are practical and applicable, to help preserve the environment for many generations to come.

10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport