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22 November 2018

Greenhouse Gas Emissions From the Transport Sector: Mitigation Options for Kenya

Technical Report: Methodology and Results

This technical report compiles the methodolgy, assumptions and main results of an assessment of GHG emission reduction potentials in Kenya’s road transport sector. A summary of the main findings and graphs can be viewed in this presentation.

In addition to the report, two corresponding Excel work files can be downloaded for more detailed information. The Excel files include the calculation for different power sector developments:

  1. “Basic” scenario, assuming a relatively high-carbon electricity grid scenario, as was assumed in Kenya’s Second National Communication.
  2. “Alternative” scenario, assuming larger shares of renewable electricity according to Kenya’s latest Least Cost Power Development Plan.

Please note that the excel files have not been layouted for external use, but are provided here for data transparency reasons.



25 Pages
Language: English
    Authors (alphabetical order):
  • Benedikt Notter
  • Felix Weber

10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport