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27 December 2019

The GHG mitigation concept of Tunisia’s National Urban Mobility Policy (NUMP)

The motorisation growth of Tunisia’s transport sector has turned this sector into the first consumer of final energy products in the country with 2.6 million tonnes of oil equivalent, 65% of those consumed as diesel, 26% as gasoline and the rest in form of natural gas, LPG, electricity and jet fuel. This strong dependence on fuel consumption makes the transport sector responsible for 26% of all energy related GHG emissions.

This factsheet summarises the mitigation approach in the development of a National Urban Mobility Policy (NUMP) in Tunisia, supported by the MobiliseYourCity Partnership. To achieve this, the Tunisian government received support from the GIZ to develop Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), compile GHG inventories, projections and impact assessment, as well as institutional and legal/regulatory support from the AFD, including the set-up of a National Observatory for Urban Mobility and design of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) Guidelines. The Tunisian NUMP is supposed to be finalised in 2020.


4 Pages
Language: English

    Authors (alphabetical order):
  • Akram Hamza
  • Torsten Greis