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29 September 1920

Efficiency in Public Transit and the Mitigation Potential of the Transport Sector

This presentation was developed in the context of the TRANSfer project component in the Philippines which aims at modernizing the public transport sector and local Jeepneys. It gives a general overview of the transport sector in the Philippines, the project proposal and the PUV modernization program. The main objective is a large-scale transformative initiative for a restructured and environmentally sustainable transport sector aimed for Filipinos to have a pleasant commuting experience by 2022. Additionally, the document gives information about the role of GIZ as well as on route rationalization and the mitigation potential of the transport sector.


32 Pages
Language: English
    Authors (alphabetical order):
  • Dr. Christian Mettke
  • Melissa Cruz
  • Patricia Mariano

10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport