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22 December 2021

CRTEM / HBEFA China Road Transport Emission Model

The “China Road Transport Emission Model” (CRTEM) – also known as “HBEFA China” based on its European counterpart, the “Handbook of Emission Factors for Road Transport” (HBEFA) – is a model for bottom-up emissions calculations for road transport.

By differentiating traffic situations within road networks and considering the dynamic composition of vehicle fleets over time, HBEFA allows estimating the emission impact of different types of transport policies. Developed by project partners INFRAS and the Shenzhen Urban Transport Planning Center (SUTPC), CRTEM/HBEFA China provides a model adapted to the context of Chinese cities and was applied for transport planning purposes in Shenzhen. This report outlines the approach, development, and status quo of CRTEM/HBEFA China, and illustrates present and possible future use cases.


33 Pages
Language: English
    Authors (alphabetical order):
  • Benedikt Notter
  • Marie Peters
  • Sebastian Ibold
  • Wu Yingjie
  • Xuan Ling
  • Yuting Huang