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20 November 2018

Availability of Data for Greenhouse Gas Emission Calculation in Kenya’s Transport Sector

Final Report

Kenya has set a target of reducing 3.46 Million tonnes of Carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e) emissions in the transport sector by 2030. This will contribute to the overall national goal of reducing 30% of projected business-as-usual scenario emissions by 2030.  

In order to keep track of this target, the country needs reliable data to facilitate emission quantification. The report has analysed the currently available data and data gaps in the roads, maritime, aviation and rail sub sectors to carry out top-down and bottom-up emission quantification in the transport sector. It presents potential sources of data and highlights the sector’s emissions profile based on the available data at the time. 


29 Pages
Language: English
    Authors (alphabetical order):
  • Herman Kwoba
  • James Nyangaya
  • Prof. Madara Ogot
  • Rita Muriuki

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