Asian Peer Network – Regional Climate Ambition in Transport

Insights of the Regional Peer Network Sessions in Asia

In early 2021 and in a joint effort, the three IKI-financed GIZ projects “Advancing Transport Climate Strategies”, “NDC Transport Initiative for Asia” and “Moving Chile” initiated regional networks of transport and environment officials in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. For each region, a dedicated „Peer Network“ was set up, and representatives from ministries of environment and ministries of transport from across the region were invited to participate. The networks provided a space for officials from national transport and environment ministries of about 10 countries per region to meet, learn and exchange experiences on similar challenges, and to link and align transport and climate policy on the national level.
Each network hosted a series of thematic sessions on transport and climate relevant topics, where peers came together to learn from international guest speakers, to present their own countries’ experiences, and to discuss challenges and solutions in interactive working groups. The topics are based on the six action recommendations to enhance climate ambition in transport.

This paper provides an accumulation of insights of the Regional Peer Network sessions in the Asian region between May 2021 and January 2022. In accordance with the action recommendations from the publication “Enhancing Climate Ambition in Transport” (GIZ 2020) the six focus topics include ‘Climate targets’ (27.05.21), ‘Electrification of transport’ (08.07.21), ‘National urban mobility policies and investment programmes (NUMPs)’ (26.08.21), ‘Enhancing freight systems efficiency’ (21.10.21), ‘Sustainable transport infrastructure investment’ (09.12.21) and ‘Adaptation and resilience in transport systems’ (20.01.22). Each chapter of this publication explains the relevance of the topic for transforming transport, recommends action steps for a successful implementation and sets the Asia region in context with the topic. Additionally, resources and tools are suggested, that may support the execution of the recommended measures for developing sustainable transport systems.


Pages: 47 Pages
Language: English
    Authors (alphabetical order):
  • Kirsten Orschulok
  • Mark Major
  • Stefanie Sohm