TCCW 2021: Four publications, a tracker, a novel and a network

Launches at the Transport and Climate Change Week 2021

The Transport and Climate Change Week 2021 was not only full of interesting sessions, workshop and peer-exchange, but also featured several launches, including new publications, tools, a graphic novel and a new network for women in Asia.

The Tracker of Climate Strategies for Transport

The newly launched Tracker of Climate Strategies for Transport provides information about transport targets, transport climate action and much more about the role of transport in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Long-term low GHG emission development strategies (LTS) – the two most important instruments of the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to well below 2°C.  In a joint effort, the team of Advancing Transport Climate Strategies in Rapidly Motorising Countries  together with the SLOCAT Partnership on Sustainable, Low-Carbon Transport developed the Tracker and compiled all references to transport in NDCs and LTS. Learn more about the Tracker here and watch the launch on demand here.

An infographic novel: Future Ahoy!

“Future Ahoy!” is an infographic novel that was launched at the #TransportWeek21. The comic focuses on sustainable transport and combines entertainment with information. Based on a family with three generations, different problems regarding transport and mobility are addressed. This creative novel aims to raise awareness of the topic of climate change mitigation in transport and illustrate problems in a way that is easy to understand. The award-winning book was published by Agora Verkehrswende with the conceptional and design work by Ellery Studio.

The English edition is available as a PDF here on Changing Transport. Print Copies can be ordered via Ellery Studio.

A new network: Women on the Move – Transforming Transport in Asia

Worldwide people are aiming at a paradigm shift to zero-emission transport. In this context the needs of women are often not sufficiently addressed. In course of the TCCW 2021 the new women’s network “Women on the Move – Transforming Transport in Asia” was launched on June 23. Therefore many inspiring women reflected the role of women in decarbonising transport in Asia. Addressing the safety issue and their role in the industry as well as in achieving full decarbonisation in the transport sector, they discussed possibilities and necessary steps to engage more women in the transport sector.

For more information, add us on LinkedIn and become part of the network in our LinkedIn group.

Four publications

SLOCAT Transport and Climate Change Global Status Report
Going Electric – A Pathway to Zero-Emission Buses

Launched on the very first day of the Transport and Climate Change Week, the 2nd edition of the SLOCAT Transport and Climate Change Global Status Report explores where we are with global, regional and national climate action in the transport sector and asks: where do we need to get to? Learn about the topics of the reports and the diverse ways of accessing it here. You can watch the launch here.

E-buses are now being deployed rapidly across different cities. This policy paper summarises emerging good practices on different e-bus related topic and from diverse geographies to support the development of electric bus schemes, facilitate policymaking and assist project finance. It contributes to the MobiliseYourCity Partnership and has been jointly developed by  by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in partnership with the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and with the support of TIL Consultants. Find more information and download the paper here!

Delivering Sustainability – Urban Freight in Developing Cities
The Uptake of New Mobility Services: Learnings from Asia

The sourcebook aims to assist policy makers in developing Asian countries, particularly those involved at the urban level, move towards making the urban freight sector more sustainable. The sourcebook lays out a set of core actions that aim to serve as a basis of action for policy makers. Additionally, it provides an overview of the measures and techniques that have and are being employed in the urban freight sector globally. The sourcebook can be downloaded from the SUTP website here.

This report aims to provide an overview on the status quo, trends and development directions of the promotion and regulation of new mobility services, such as ride-hailing or smart bike-sharing, in Asia. The report refers to the wider context of the “platformisation” of mobility, venture capitalism and the gig economy, and outlines principles for the sustainable and climate-friendly development of the industry and the integration of new mobility services into the overall transport systems. Find the report here.

10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport