Electric Mobility in Kenya: Charging Infrastructure

Electric mobility is considered an imperative for a transformation of the transport sector as it can help to meet global targets for greenhouse gas emissions and reduces air and noise pollution while still meeting the mobility needs of consumers. It is thus particularly interesting for countries like Kenya that experience an increase in mobility demand while at the same time aiming for climate strategies in the transport sector.

Setting-up charging stations is a basic requirement for an area-wide use of electric vehicles (EV) of all sizes as charging stations are to EVs what fuel station are to vehicles with an internal combustion engine. However, setting-up a charging stations requires a number of prior considerations: What type of station is best suited for the use-case? Will the local energy grid be sufficient? Who has to be involved in the process?

This concise presentation provides basic insights into such major concerns. It gives a first overview of topics that should be consideres and a step-to-step guide on setting-up a charging station, focused on the Kenyan case.


28 Pages
Language: English

    Authors (alphabetical order):
  • Nadja Taeger
  • Verena Knöll