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30 September 2019

Bus Case Study for Highly Congested Orbital Route in Manila

Operations and Business Model (draft report)

Travel in Metro Manila is characterized by heavy congestion leading to extended and unreliable journey times. Public transport is typically overcrowded and uncomfortable, and with the exception of limited rail line coverage, also subject to the same congestion as private cars due to a lack of priority lanes.

This draft report on improving bus operations  presents a potential solution to the heavy congestion along the “EDSA corridor”, a highly congested orbital route which carries large volumes of travelers. It has been identified as a key strategic mass transit corridor in all strategic transport studies undertaken.

The proposed EDSA Bus features a service operating on a segregated corridor along the MRT-3 alignment, stopping along MRT-3 stations through a sharing of infrastructure. This report presents the necessary institutional arrangements, roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders, and business case considerations to implement the EDSA Bus, complementing the conceptual design prepared for the Philippine Department of Transportation (DOTr) in Nov 2018.


Pages: 57 Pages
Language: English
    Authors (alphabetical order):
  • John Barry
  • Robin Kaenzig