Transformation in the Mobility Sector in Asia and Germany (TiMS)

Sustainable transformations in the transport sector are pivotal in achieving both national and international emission reduction targets while ensuring equitable access to mobility and adequate public services. Achieving climate neutrality in the mid- to long-term necessi-tates the urgent implementation of a policy mix that fosters innovation, adapts local transport systems, and integrates sustainable and smart mobility solutions.

The project “Transformation in the Mobility Sector in Asia and Germany” (TiMS) unites di-verse stakeholders from politics, academia, industry, and the public sector in Germany and Asia, with a particular focus on China, to enhance political dialogue and cross-sectoral exchange in the realm of climate-friendly transport. To facilitate a comprehensive transfor-mation of the transport sector, the project activities encompass a wide array of topics, in-cluding electric mobility and charging infrastructure, the application of alternative fuels, integrated transport systems, mobility behaviour, accessible mobility, smart logistics, and the transportation of dangerous and hazardous goods.

The project aims to enhance multi-stakeholder exchanges and foster cross-sectoral learning through various formats and initiatives:

  • Initiation of Political Dialogue and Delegation Support: Providing key insights into current industry developments, political planning and implementation processes, and best practice case studies in the respective Asian countries.
  • Commission of Technical Studies and Reports: Generating new research and knowledge in specific areas of sustainable mobility to formulate evidence-based policy recommendations.
  • Organisation of Expert Dialogues, Seminars, and Conferences: Facilitating discussions on sustainable mobility strategies by bringing together various stakeholders in an international context.
  • Sector-Specific Monitoring and Policy Advice: Conducting ongoing monitoring and analyses of current developments in the transport sector in Asia to set new impulses for the public discourse on sustainable mobility in Germany.


Picture source: Adobe Photostock

Project Information

Ongoing Regional

Contact: Alexander von Monschaw,

Countries: China, South Korea, Japan

Duration: 01/2023 – 02/2027 

Funder: German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV)

Implementation: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Political Partner: Chinese Ministry of Transport (MoT)

Further Links:


Portrait image of Alexander von Monschaw

Alexander von Monschaw

Project Director

Portrait image of Carolin Bernhard

Carolin Bernhard

Project Advisor
China, Beijing

Portrait image of Clara Rieken

Clara Rieken

Germany, Berlin

Portrait image of Jingzhu Li

Jingzhu Li

Project Advisor / Key Account Manager MoT
China, Beijing

Portrait image of Markus Wagner

Markus Wagner

Project Advisor
Germany, Eschborn

Portrait image of Zoe Seitz

Zoe Seitz

China, Beijing

Portrait image of Zhen Jiang

Zhen Jiang

Senior Finance and Administration Specialist
China, Beijing