Transitioning to Low Carbon Sea Transport in the Republic of Marshall Islands

The project supports the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) in delivering its Nationally Determined Contributions under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

The project uses baseline data on the GHG emissions and energy efficiency of domestic ships to come up with climate-friendly solutions. These include the development and pilot-testing of low-carbon propulsion technologies in cooperation with partners, together with the education and training of ship crew and researchers, as well as the use of modern energy-efficient sailing technologies and of renewable energy.

The outputs of the project will be shared with other Pacific island countries and with countries in other parts of the world, in cooperation with the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and other international organizations and fora.

Policy support for low-carbon sea transport is also extended to the RMI Government, including in the context of international climate negotiations.

Read our project factsheet here.

The Benefits

Short term

RMI ministries such as the Ministry of Transport, as well as other government departments, will benefit from the project by progressing towards meeting the country’s GHG emission reduction targets as part of its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

Private-sector ship operators will benefit from the project’s demonstration of more sustainable alternatives to imported fuels and from low-carbon alternatives for ship propulsion.

The people of the Marshall Islands and communities on the outer islands will benefit from better availability of cost-efficient sea transport.

Other Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS) will benefit from the project’s demonstration and economic & climate policy assessment of appropriate technological and operational options for reducing fossil fuel use.

RMI mariners, public servants, students, and researchers will benefit through enhanced capacity and increased opportunities for learning.

Long term

The project directly leads to reduced emissions and improved energy efficiency in sea transport, which contributes to achieving RMI’s NDC targets.

The reduced dependency of SIDS on imported fossil fuels will enhance the resilience of outer island communities and increase their economic opportunities through greater and more affordable connectivity.

Further long-term impacts may be better connectivity between the RMI islands, improvement of the local health situation, more jobs for seamen in inter- and intra-islands traffic, and general stimulation of economic development.

Through policy support and capacity development of the RMI government in international fora such as the UNFCCC and the IMO, RMI’s contribution to the High Ambition Coalition of developed and developing countries pushing for a legally binding global and ambitious deal on climate change will continue to gain global momentum.

Project Information

Ongoing Bilateral

Contact: Raffael Held,

Country: Republic of the Marshall Islands

Duration: 06/2017 – 03/2025

Funder: International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)

Implementation: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Political Partner:

  • Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technologies (MoTC&IT)
  • Republic of the Marshall Islands

Further Links:


Portrait image of Geovannie Johnson

Geovannie Johnson

Technical Assistant
Republic of the Marshall Islands, Majuro

Portrait image of Iowane Tiko

Iowane Tiko

Finance Manager
Republic of the Marshall Islands, Majuro

Portrait image of Raffael Held

Raffael Held

Project Director
Republic of the Marshall Islands, Majuro