UNFCCC Side Event on Implementing MRV Arrangements

8 June 2023

Time: 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM (UTC+2)
Location: WCCB (Room Bonn) & online

The topic of the UNFCCC side event is: "Support opportunities available to developing country Parties for implementing MRV arrangements under the Convention and ETF under the Paris Agreement".

Language(s): EN

Organised by:

At this UNFCCC side event, that is part of the Bonn Climate Change Conference, you will explore GIZ's latest knowledge products, including the online course "Transport Data: from MRV to Action" that will launch in July. This course empowers you to calculate GHG emissions and prioritize decarbonization policies for transport systems. Additionally, you'll learn about accessing GEF resources for reimbursement and gain insights into UNEP-CCC's climate transparency initiatives. The event also highlights UNFCCC and CEEW's instrument for assessing institutional capacity in reporting and offers expertise on greenhouse gas emissions at UNFCCC GIR.


  • Dr. Chizuru Aoki, Global Environment Facility (GEF)
  • Fatima-Zahra Taibi, UNEP-Copenhagen Climate Centre
  • Sumit Prasad, Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW)
  • Milan Oh, Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Research Center of Korea
  • Kirsten Orschulok, Expert for sustainable and climate-friendly transport policies, GIZ
  • Anna Zinecker, GIZ Program for Energy Efficiency Buildings


  • Jigme, MRV/ETF Support Subdivision Manager