Mastering Mobility Training to reach Urban Mobility Goals

12 April 2023

Time: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM (Europe/Berlin)
Location: Microsoft Teams

Since its inception in 2016, the MobiliseYourCity Partnership has been a leading force in disseminating Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) all over the world. Responding to specific challenges of urban mobility in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America, the Partnership is launching the MobiliseYourCity SUMP Guidelines at the EU Infopoint Hybrid Conference.

Language(s): EN

Organised by:
Mobilise Your City Partnership

Throughout this session, you will gain more insights about defining scenarios and identifying measures during the planning process to support your Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP). We will examine the prerequisites for measures planning in addition to the fundamental principles and general topics covered in the SUMP action plan. Proven methods used in the case of the SUMP of Medan, Indonesia, will be shared during the session.


Learning objectives:

  • Understand the articulation between the vision setting and the action plan in mobility planning
  • Appreciate methods to define mobility scenarios and measures for urban mobility planning

Download the MYC Guidelines Here  


  • Ferdinand Marterer | Transport Planner | EGIS
  • Nicolas Cruz Gonzalez | Sustainable Mobility Expert | MobiliseYourCity Secretariat