Low-Carbon Prosperity in Progress: Transforming Transport in Asia

25-28 June 2024

Time: all-day (Asia/Bangkok)
Location: Bangkok, Thailand

In June 2024, “Low-Carbon Prosperity in Progress: Transforming Transport in Asia”, the regional conference of the NDC Transport Initiative for Asia (NDC TIA), will discuss the necessary transformations to set transport on a sustainable path to zero emissions by mid-century, ensuring climate action and prosperity.

The conference will showcase outcomes of partners’ collaborative efforts to decarbonise the transport sector in Asia, with a focus on China, India, Vietnam, and Thailand, capturing developments in the region and inspiring action. It will bring together government representatives, civil society, practitioners, and the private sector from Asian countries and beyond, providing a platform for live exchanges and thematic sessions to foster peer learning and promote a holistic approach to decarbonisation.

The event is by invitation only. If you have any questions, please get in touch with your project contact or hannah.eberhardt@giz.de.

For more information about the project, please visit www.ndctransportinitativeforasia.org.

Language(s): English, Chinese, Vietnamese

Organised by:
NDC Transport Initative for Asia (NDC TIA)

10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport