Digital Library on Green Mobility (DLGM) in India

Online launch

The Digital Library on Green Mobility (DLGM) portal for Low Carbon Transport, especially Electric Mobility, in India offers a platform for accessing knowledge, sharing ideas and documents among different stakeholders from various organisations and institutions in India and abroad involved in low carbon transport.

The DLGM provides researchers, academicians, citizens and businesses with broad access to information such as policy instruments, reports, articles, books, standards, case studies and caters to a diverse set of stakeholders. This includes government ministries, departments and agencies, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) but also academia, interested citizens, industry, businesses, etc. Prime objective is to source, provide links, highlight latest news, policies and reports on low emission transport issues in general but with a clear focus on e-mobility, mostly with reference to India. However, it will also cover relevant important news and publications from around the world.

Browse the DLGM.

The DLGM is a part of the Nationally Determined Contribution – Transport Initiative for Asia (NDC-TIA), which is a regional initiative funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).

10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport