Contract Models for Public Transport Services

Public service contracts between bus operators and local authorities can be an important lever for improving and modernise the bus operations, e.g. through setting environmental performance indicactors for the busses. In this post, we collected case studies from the Philippines as well as Germany.

Jeepney+ NAMA Case Study

This presentation was developed in the context of the TRANSfer project component in the Philippines which aims at modernizing the public transport sector and local Jeepneys. The consolidation of franchises, various forms of transport contracts and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which allow the performance to be measured and evaluated against a particular objectice are the main focus of this presentation. Additionally, information about network performance measurement and various case studies can be found.

Name of the Document: Jeepney+NAMA Case Study – Franchise Consolidation, Contracting and KPIs
Organisation: TRANSfer Project, GIZ
Author: Robin Kaenzig
32 Pages | Language: English

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Public Transport Organisation in Germany – Contract Awarding and Management

Awarding of public transport service contracts in Germany is based on both European as well as German law and involves several authorities. Managing these contracts goes along with close performance monitoring.  This publication offers a comprehensive insight into the complex structures of both contract awarding as well as management.

Name of the Document: Public Transport Organisation in Germany – Contract Awarding and Management
Authors: Marc Gorter, Dennis Günthel
Organisation: KCW| GIZ
Year: 2016
 Pages | Language: English

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Transit Service Contract Design, Tender and Monitoring in Frankfurt

TraffiQ is the local public transport authority for the city of Frankfurt, facilitating both local bus and train transport. Within this presentation they share their  company wide standards and quality criteria for operation, infrastructure and service as well as their focus on environmental innovation by implementing EEV buses along their service routes.

Name of the Document: Transit Service Contract Design, Tender and Monitoring – Case of Frankfurt
Authors: Burkhard Proske
Organisation: traffiQ
Year: 2016
PPT| Language: English

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10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport