ASEAN Smart City Summit 2020

Multi-Stakeholder Forum to Discuss Electric Mobility in Southeast Asia

At the ASEAN Smart City Summit on 22 Oct 2020, Vietnam’s Ministry of Transport and the NDC Transport Initiative for Asia (NDC-TIA) discussed pathways for the introduction of electric mobility in the context of decarbonisation and Vietnam’s NDC.

Vietnam’s ambitions for climate change mitigation crystallise in the NDC (Nationally Determined Contribution) to the Paris Agreement. Against business-as-usual, Vietnam committed to reducing 9 per cent of Green House Gases using domestic resources and 26 per cent with international support. For mobility, the goals of the NDC can only be reached by decisive action of national and local level. The introduction of electric vehicles may contribute a 3.5 megaton reduction of CO2 emissions.

On 22 Oct 2020, the ASEAN Smart City Summit 2020 in Hanoi discussed strategies for smart mobility in the urban context. During the electric mobility session, Mr Tran Quang Ha (Deputy Director, Department of Science and Technology, Vietnam’s Ministry of Transport) briefly gave an overview on the e-mobility policy in Vietnam , particularly Resolution 55/NQ-TW of the Communist Party on the encouragement of using clean and renewable energy. He talked development and promulgation of mechanism and policies to manage and develop electric vehicles (EVs). Mr Ha stressed the needs of shifting to cleaner vehicles due to significant problems of air quality and increasing greenhouse gas emissions.

Talking about electric vehicle development in Vietnam, Mr Ha pointed out some barriers, such as the lack of policies to attract investments, no roadmaps on electric mobility development, lack of consumer awareness of EVs and high vehicle costs. Recommendations have been proposed in order to bring e-mobility forward, focusing on the establishment of policies and regulations; and on the other hand, prioritise the adoption of electric buses.

Ms Urda Eichhorst (Project Director, GIZ NDC Transport Initiative for Asia) followed with a presentation on international experiences and opportunities  for electric mobility. She highlighted the importance of electric mobility for decarbonisation. Identified barriers from the international examples such as high upfront investment costs, lack of standardisation provided helpful lessons learnt for Vietnam. In her conclusion, she suggested the development of a vision, a strategy and an action plan for the large-scale introduction of electric vehicles. She emphasised that cooperation between the energy and mobility sector may unlock synergies on the legal and fiscal framework as well as public and private sector cooperation for general market acceptance of electric vehicles in Vietnam.

The NDC Transport Initiative for Asia is a joint programme of seven organisations funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU). Implementing organisations are GIZ, World Resources Institute (WRI), International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT), International Transport Forum (ITF), Agora Verkehrswende (AGORA), Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT) Foundation and Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century e.V. (REN21). 

10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport