Zero-Emission Bus Seminars from Latin America

Many Latin American countries have deployed zero-emission buses in various cities. The successful transition of urban bus fleets to electric buses is a crucial step towards decarbonizing the transport sector. However, the transition can also pose problems for transit agencies. We have compiled a set of relevant online seminars by C40 Cities Finance Facility. Please note that all online seminars are in Spanish.

Online Seminar Series: Deploying Zero-Emission Buses in Ecuador:

The three-part online seminar series in Spanish by C40 Cities Finance Facility focuses on the transition of urban bus fleets to zero-emission technologies in Ecuador and the region. This series of online seminars is designed to build the capacity of municipal officials to facilitate this transition, based on successful experiences from other cities and external experience. It is structured in three main parts: Analysis of Bus Technologies, Demand Study, and Financing Models.

Name of the Online Seminar Series: Desplegando buses de emisión cero en Ecuador
Organisation: C40 Cities Finance Facility
Year: 2020
: Spanish

Watch the online seminars here


Online Seminar: Zero Emission Bus Workshop for Latin American Cities:

In many Latin American cities, there is great potential to implement zero emission bus systems, where a large portion of the greenhouse gases generated come from the transportation sector. In addition to contributing to climate change, local pollution causes negative impacts on health, generating cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, as well as on local economic development. For this reason, on March 25th and 26th the “Zero Emission Bus Workshop” was held, organized by the C40 teams of the Financing Sustainable Cities Initiative (FSCI), the C40 Cities Finance Facility (CFF) and the Zero Emission Bus Rapid-deployment Accelerator (ZEBRA) projects.

Name of the Online Seminar Series: Transporte eléctrico en Latinoamérica: Taller de Buses Cero Emisiones
Organisation: C40 Cities Finance Facility
Year: 2020
: Spanish

Watch the online seminar here


Online Seminar: Zero Emission Bus Technologies:

Knowledge about zero emission bus technology options and how to select the right one for a specific city or route is quite limited. For this reason, C40 Cities Finance Facility (CFF) and Zero Emissions Vehicle Network teams organized an online seminar about “Zero Emission Buses: Choosing the Right Technology for Your City”.

Name of the Online Seminar Series: Autobuses Cero Emisiones: Elegir la Tecnología Adecuada para su Ciudad
Organisation: C40 Cities Finance Facility
Year: 2020
: Spanish

Watch the online seminar here

Photo by Rangga Cahya Nugraha on Unsplash
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